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Everything posted by Best

  1. He is mixing it up. On good news, Talia Shire is still alive and well.
  2. One issue I had was the 2K server constantly being disconnected or not connected at all. Which is crucial if you actually want to play the career mode.
  3. You're welcome. As a heads up, it's a pretty indepth game with a lot to learn. But it's a great tennis game.
  4. So what I'm reading is that if Biden does well later this evening and doesn't show and cognitive issues, he will most likely stay on. What am I missing that you guys are so sure he's dropping out?
  5. It's definitely not dpcyric. I'll try the other name now.
  6. It makes no difference to me. Just choose which way you want to go.
  7. It's not a full price game but if you just want that, that's perfectly fine.
  8. Ok. There were 3 winners in this. @AbsolutSurgen @LazyPiranha @DPCyric Just let me know what you guys want!
  9. No I'm still on ME 1. Pretty close to the end. I'm playing both atm. I mix the games up in rotation.
  10. I've always been curious about cocaine. But I remember Andrea claiming that the hangovers from it are brutal. But she'd always mix booze with it so that may have been the issue.
  11. Well I tried it out and played about 2 hours. Yea, the dialogue and characters don't have the same charm as the trilogy. But I'm a fan of how combat works in this. It's very solid and the visuals on the deck are beautiful. It's difficult for me to really critique it since I'm so early. But I enjoyed what I have played for sure.
  12. @Bacon @legend What are your thoughts on Mass Effect Andromeda?
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