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Everything posted by Best

  1. Remember I can hook you up if you really want it.
  2. Yea that's tough. I was in that same spot when my job stopped overtime. I was living paycheck to paycheck. That's why I'm really going to make an effort to find someone to live with when I finally get out of here. In today's economy it's almost a must to have two incomes.
  3. I'll be honest it wasn't as good as I remembered. But then again my Chinese place I go to isn't the greatest place. I prefer General Tso chicken by a long shot. I got crab rangoon with it and they were very good.
  4. I'm completely fine with money. I'm just being generous because I know how it feels to struggle with money.
  5. I forgot about this thread. I can hook you up.
  6. You'd be amazed how awful the main protagonist is in Andromeda. Shepard, as dead pan as he is, is much more authentic and has better voice acting.
  7. Ok. I finally got tired of the extremely generic voice acting in Andromeda. The story isn't presented well imo either. I'm back on just focusing on the Legendary edition.
  8. Uncharted games are really a joy to play. They are like summer blockbusters. The best of the series is Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. It still looks and plays incredibly well.
  9. I am 3 or so hours into Andromeda and I'm not seeing anything like the negative reviews have pointed out. I'm thinking the initial reviews had a lot of technical issues that have been fixed. It's pretty damn good imo. I mean comparing it to ME1 I'm thinking it's on par with that. The voice acting is weak and the main protagonist has no personality. But either did Shepard.
  10. In honor of this thread I'm getting bourbon chicken tonight. It's been a long time since I had it.
  11. That is really nice. Congrats and enjoy your long weekend. Drink a beer for me!
  12. I see. It's amazing just watching Biden from 10 years ago. He's aged tremendously which a job like that will do to you.
  13. Lol one of my favorite gifs of all time.
  14. I have always loved Mass Effect. It's never boring to me. I'm still giving Andromeda time on my deck but if it doesn't pick up today I'll just drop it.
  15. I don't get the stuttering excuse. I've seen countless footage of him in his younger years speaking very smoothly and intelligently. I never once seen him stutter. Even the debates he never stuttered. Now he does this... "Look...nevermind...." As though he completely loses thought. It's really bad now.
  16. Mass Effect 1 Legendary edition Mass Effect Andromeda
  17. Back in the day I always preferred College football over pro. This looks spectacular visually so it's a matter of it playing well.
  18. I didn't watch the conference live but I just watched it on YouTube I truly feel sad for Biden.
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