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Everything posted by Best

  1. Tell me that when someone does the same thing to you.
  2. He won't apologize because he is too full of himself. He really thinks highly of himself.
  3. He disappeared from the public for a while so he must have had health issues.
  4. Yea she came on here claiming she's a new person and asked for forgiveness. She's absolutely disgusting. She'll never change.
  5. Stepee fucked me over and used my personal information I gave him in confidence. Andrea looked up my file and found a legal issue I had last November. Stepee, the pos that he is, posted my information on the forums the other day. He's a class act.
  6. I love that stepee has blocked me for something he did to me. How about taking responsibility in what you did and apologize? I've made mistakes on here but I have ALWAYS owned up to it and apologized. Stepee can't get past his ego.
  7. What in God's name have I done that's worse? You're pathetic.
  8. Nothing will ever be resolved between him and I. And the fact that he has the audacity to block me for something he did is comical.
  9. He needs to be put on notice. Period.
  10. I'll pm you what he did to me.
  11. I have to have an account to read the article. But just based off the title, yes, Biden isn't going to be replaced so everyone must rally around him and support his every step. I'm seeing and reading a ton lately since being more active here and I now see how bad Trump really is. He must be stopped. I genuinely mean that.
  12. Ok I can get you a $50 Amazon gift card. I'll pm you.
  13. You're my best buddy on here. We relate well so it works out.
  14. Everyone needs to know what stepee did. It's an important lesson for this site not to trust others with private information. He should have been banned but now the thread that calls him out gets deleted. Unbelievable.
  15. I might load it up again and maybe give it more time. The combat is definitely a high point.
  16. Not good lol. I have been taking a massive break on watching movies with my vr. I was getting headaches and blurred vision. I could have transitioned to watching them on my phone but it's not even close to watching epic blockbusters on a movie theater screen in 3D. I'll get back to it.
  17. The conversations now are in Biden's favor it seems. The rally in Detroit was very successful and it kinda takes the pressure of the debate and the recent conference. So at least some better news is circulating now.
  18. Well I stopped at an interesting section but the mundane dialogue was getting to me. I was about to get into the vehicle they give you on the desert area. So I'm assuming you enjoyed it then?
  19. I beat ME 1 this morning on my XSX. It was very well done from a story perspective. The combat was pretty smooth for the most part but having played part 3 the other day its a bit dated. Still, it's a tremendous RPG and it was well worth my time. I already have started up ME2 on my deck. It's a pretty big step up visually and I prefer the combat in it even if it is not as in depth as part 1.
  20. Don't feel guilty. If I thought I shouldn't be spending money on something I wouldn't do it. But it's really no big deal.
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