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Everything posted by Best

  1. Damn. I'm pretty excited to try this out. One thing though is I know absolutely nothing about college football lol. I'm an NFL guy.
  2. I am starting to agree with this notion. What I'm seeing all over the news etc is basically all in favor for Trump.
  3. Oh, interesting. I'm playing on normal and it's been extremely easy so far. I did run with Miranda and Garrus before I picked up Jack. But thanks for the info.
  4. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3. This might be the very best in the series. Yes, even better than the original. 5/5
  5. It's from dgh. I love Biggie.
  6. Trump saying "fight, fight" while being ushered off the stage with blood on his face is a big problem for the election. That will also go down in history. I was hoping there were more information on the shooter.
  7. I'm actually being nice tbh.
  8. Boy, Mass Effect 2 is really more my style compared to part 1. It is a phenomenal game with extremely satisfying combat. I'm cruising along in this and my current go to squad is Jack and Garrus. Everything is amped up by 100 and I can see why this game was universally praised with a 96 score at OC.
  9. Andrea caused all of this. She is a disgusting person both inside and out. Stepee is like her litteraly puppet. For over a month I sent Stepee a few pm's asking why he was treating me like shit and never wrote back. Then he goes and visits the bitch and all of a sudden Stepee post my legal information for the boards to see. There was litteraly nothing I did to her or him for them to do this. I'm over it now but the fact that Stepee can't apologize just shows me that he is not a good person. Toxic. Like I've said. I've made mistakes on her but always owned up to them and apologized. Not with these pieces of shit.
  10. Nope. I never watched twitch. I don't have tv either but watch a ton of YouTube and streaming services.
  11. It was fun while it lasted. The Trump situation is not good at all. A ton of potential issues could come from this.
  12. Oh I agree. I just haven't seen a poll or data suggesting Kamala would win against Trump.
  13. Hmm. I'm hearing and reading differently. So you think if Kamala runs she'd have a better shot than Biden?
  14. I'd actually laugh out loud if they find out it's Hunter.
  15. Well it's water over the dam at this point. Stepee just showed me who he really is. And not even offering an apology is ridiculous. But yea...it's not fair.
  16. It's July. By November everyone will litteraly forget this I'm telling you. They will forget about the debate too if Biden keeps having rallies like he just did.
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