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Everything posted by Best

  1. I randomly saw this but it made me laugh out loud. I'll look more stuff up on him.
  2. Same basically. I always makes sure HDR is on for games on my deck too.
  3. Yea sometimes I take gaming way too seriously and force myself to play certain things. I need to just enjoy what I'm playing and not worry if I beat a game or not.
  4. I played 4 hours of Red Dead Redemption 2 today on my deck. I'm a complete mess and can't stick to one game. 😂 I'm done gaming for the night and watching Catlin Clark at 830.
  5. You got me there. That's funny. Edit: It went down the a last second shot! Yikes.
  6. Yea but honestly international competition has just really advanced. I mean USA is still the best but barely. Plus these international teams are playing with each other all the time so their chemistry is much better.
  7. I haven't seen that yet. I'm excited to watch Caitlin Clark tonight in the all-star game.
  8. Starfield is one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history for me.
  9. In honor of this thread I started a new game in Red Dead Redemption 2. It not only looks better on my deck when compared to playing on my XSX, but the framerate is much better too. This is easily one of my top 10 games ever.
  10. Ok. I was like, huh? My dad just got home and it turns out he didn't drink at my brother's place. My brother doesn't drink at all because he was an alcoholic years back. My dad can only drink like 2 beers at his age. My brother (the one in the hospital) just called my mom and told her what happened. He indeed did fall because he was drunk. Drugs mixed in? He wouldn't reveal that. But my mom said he will be ok. So it's looking like everything is ok.
  11. @Biggie why the sicko reaction?
  12. That was the reason he went over to my brother's in the first place. It's not like he was getting drunk. Also, my dad is 84 yrs old and can no longer drive at night. So he had to stay the night no matter what he did. My older sister finally took things into her own hands and called the police. They found out my brother fell and was pretty injured in his ribs. They said there was internal bleeding. He apparently didn't over dose but I'm almost positive drugs were in the picture. Last I've heard is that he is doing ok. So the one thing I have taken out of this is that he will survive. Thanks again guys for the support. If anything else comes from this I'll update the thread.
  13. It was either that or my dad drinks at my brother's house and then drives home and gets a DUI.
  14. He took the car and drove to my other brother's home which is an hour away. He is staying the night there so my mom and I are here with no transportation.
  15. It's just my mom and myself home right now with no vehicle. My mom called a few times with no answers.
  16. I really appreciate the support. Unfortunately my parents and I are in the dark in what is happening. My nephew who is 31 with drug issues himself is taking care of the situation. But he doesn't communicate with any family so we are just waiting and worrying. My bet is he is in the hospital and hopefully more family are updated on wtf is going on. It really sucks.
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