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Everything posted by Best

  1. Yea other talking points from the right is that she slept her way to where she is now. They're basically grasping for straws at this point
  2. You guys have me considering to start over in Odyssey and play as Kassandra.
  3. I will say that Valhalla looks better visually with more detail. But I agree that the setting is darker and not as vibrant as Odyssey. I'm kinda stuck between playing both lol. Valhalla has a phenomenal intro and has hooked me more so than Odyssey. Decisions decisions. Spoiled people issue is all this is.
  4. I'm like the complete opposite of Phaseknox and prefer male protagonist most of the time. Well I'm going to continue my playthrough of Odyssey then. I have been reading that Valhalla is way too bloated and takes over 60 hours to beat just the main story. Odyssey is closer to 45 hours so I'll commit to it now.
  5. I've been on an Assassin’s Creed kick for about a week. I played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey at it's release and same with Valhalla. I'm currently a few hours into both on my deck but I need to pick one to focus on. For those Assassin’s Creed player here, which one did you prefer and why?
  6. Yep. I do it each time I see fox news. It's still sneaking in my feed but has definitely slowed down.
  7. Yea unfortunately I still get fox news in my YouTube feed so I'm being fed a lot of nonsense.
  8. Fox news is saying Biden is terminally ill and will pass soon. Edit: That was from earlier today.
  9. I will say the sheer amount of pressure Kamala Harris has to jump in like this with very little time left until voting has to be really commended. She seems up to the challenge after watching her rally today.
  10. Ico + Shadow of the Colossus (acceptance of “video games are art”) Glad these games are still getting some love.
  11. I watched that twice and still don't understand what happened? The officer shot her because she was boiling water?
  12. Thanks. He was about to get another job recently but that obviously is on hold atm. His son just had a baby so he has a lot to live for.
  13. Good info here. I hope there is a bebate between Harris and Trump. It would only help Harris imo.
  14. I'd thought I'd update you guys since you all were really supportive with this. My brother has checked himself into rehab. This is the very first time he has ever made this decision so I'm thinking things were really bad a few days ago. He hasn't been working for over a year because he was laid off so the extra free time he has had is never a good thing for addicts. His ex wife is really being supportive and has actually communicated with my family what really is going on. I texted my brother last night that I love him and if he ever needs anything I'm always available. Usually he doesn't respond to texts but he did with this and told me he loved me. He is 57 yrs old and still has a life to live. I'm just thankful he is taking the correct steps for recovery. As an addict myself I really sympathize with him. I just want to emphasize just how thankful I am for your guys support. It's been really emotional but things are moving in the right direction.
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