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Everything posted by Best

  1. I played Orgins on my XSX and Holy shit it looked absolutely dreadful visually. I can't get past that even if the core game is amazing. Then I tried Inquisition and I was quite impressed with it visually for it's age but the gameplay didn't hook me. I'm definitely looking forward to Veilguard though.
  2. It's 11-1 Odyssey. The consensus is that Valhalla eventually becomes boring and Odyssey keeps you interested. I'm still currently playing both but I'll see what happens.
  3. It's still being talked about on the right. Was it a conspiracy etc. But yes, Biden dropping out caused a big shift in news and rightfully so.
  4. I skimmed through the video and saw Star Wars at number 1. I'm kinda undecided on that atm.
  5. Well today I played about 2 hours of both games. I started over in Odyssey to play as Kassandra and that absolutely changes my outlook on the game. Her voice acting is much better imo. But playing Valhalla I really like how the story is much tighter and focused. England is really beautiful but so is Greece. I'll keep playing both until I fall off of one of them. I got to say I do like Assassin’s Creed being open world.
  6. I had to look up what that is. Well enjoy your 3 day weekend!
  7. My dad will ultimately suffer this fate. I am noticing a lot of cognitive decline and he is starting to call me by my other brothers name's. He is still ok now but it's coming.
  8. Yep. News comes and goes so fast. Them this will dominate the news. I'm personally looking forward to the convention.
  9. And then people will stop talking about Harris too. The honeymoon stage will be over soon.
  10. Sorry to hear about your loss. Thanks for the pic and I wish you and your family well.
  11. I honestly forget who I chose before. You're absolutely correct that I can't base Kassandra's personality from her as the villain. I'm going to give Valhalla more time tonight and then if I choose to play Odyssey I'm going to start over as Kassandra.
  12. Well I'm at the section where you meet Kassandra so I understand what her personality is like. I think I'll give Valhalla more time before making my decision.
  13. I don't think I ever heard of him doing that. Was it related with him being buddies with Epstein?
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