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Everything posted by Best

  1. I'm about 10 hours in both Odyssey and Valhalla. I cannot say Odyssey is better by a mile at this point in time. They both have their strengths and weaknesses but I'd give a small edge to Valhalla right now. But from what has been posted, Valhalla might slow down in time and get "boring". Odyssey has a lot more quests and weapons which both are fun to play with. Odyssey is more diverse in its world and characters too. I'm just going to keep playing both. They are phenomenal games.
  2. Holy shit the battle for East Anglia was fuckin unreal. It gave me goose bumps raiding the castle with our ships. This game is really good imo. It much more streamlined and focused than the other open world AC games. The visuals are breathtaking.
  3. Are you not interested in current titles?
  4. If you're curious there's no reason to try it out. It's an action RPG so I think you like that genre.
  5. Yes it's on game pass ultimate. Do you have Ultimate?
  6. It's pretty remarkable how many secrets are scattered throughout the world. It is massive in scope but extremely detailed. It's something that I don't think gets praised enough imo. There is a ton of "wealth" to be discovered that benefits you in many different ways. I really think it's impressive with awesome combat to boot. Beautiful music as well.
  7. I'm a big, big fan of Braveheart and Valhalla really reminds me of that with venturing in England. I find the environments to be absolutely beautiful. Yea, it's not as diverse as Odyssey or as vibrant, but I actually prefer the environment Valhalla has. But again Odyssey is really good minus a few shortcomings so I'm having a lot of fun with both.
  8. Hmm. I'm kinda disappointed with the impressions in here. I'm glad you guys are giving honest impressions without getting caught up in the hype which can be difficult to do. I'll just stream this like I originally planned but I'm no longer hyped for it. Oh well.
  9. I played almost 4 hours of Valhalla today and at the moment I believe it's more impressive than Odyssey. I prefer how leveling is done in Valhalla and I also appreciate a much tighter story without a million side quests like Odyssey has. Also, yes, my fear of leveling in Odyssey came in to play last night. In order for me to move the story along I had to grind a few levels through side quests in order to do it. Thankfully the side quests are pretty good but it's a big flaw that I now remember complaining about a while ago. But, I still am having a lot of fun with Odyssey and I'm not quitting on it. It will be interesting to see how long I play both of these mammoth games at the same time.
  10. Damn. Heisman is next up for difficulty which is the hardest. So does 6 minute quarters simulate a pretty realistic game in terms of scoring? Like in NBA 2K 5 minute quarters gives you a realistic NBA score which is obviously 12 minutes in real life.
  11. Holy shit! I know most of you on here have been very kind and supportive of my transition from the conservative side to the democratic side. Only one person gave me issues about it on here and it's stepee. He constantly mocked my posts on here in the political section and then decided to block me after he plastered my legal issue on the website with the help of our darling Andrea. Yes, he blocked me for something he did to me lol. Besides that person, everyone here has been really supportive and informative. This transition has litteraly only come about a few short months ago. I got my drivers license renewed and changed my political voting registration to democrat. With saying that, I had the biggest blow up in quite some time this morning driving with my parents. As you know they are poisoned by Fox news and think Trump is litteraly Jesus on earth. Having been living with them for a period of time now and being brainwashed in grade school and even high school, I've slowly climbed out of the hell that the right preaches. I flat out told my mother that if you are a Christian and stand for Christian values how in the hell are you supporting a piece of trash like Trump? I said he has cheated on his wives, raped them, and has raped children. She looked at me like she saw a ghost and I said, yes, that's Donald Trump. She started screaming at me that she wants him in office again to lower gas prices and to lower the economy's inflation. She wants Trump because then we wouldn't see wars throughout the world etc. I said Biden has been the most progressive president we have ever had and did some really amazing stuff in his presidency. Inflation is a world issue not just a USA issue and no president will magically make it go away. I said now that Kamela is running, and yes my mom said she is a whore, I said she will be adopting Biden's policies and we must support her more than ever now. I said Trump's project 2025 is so risky, and could endanger democratic institutions, dismantle civil liberties, and concentrate presidential power. It's very dangerous. She is completely oblivious to most of this stuff but my dad had his finger at my chin threatening to kick me out of the house lol. So I come here to thank every single one of you that has been kind and supportive of me. I actually learn so much from this section of the board every day and I understand that each of you are amazing people and a lot of you with amazing lives and families. I'll continue to stand up for myself and never let anyone take me down for my beliefs. Be it stepee or anyone else here. Sorry for the rant but I'm emotional right now. I'm not sure what will happen with my living situation after this morning.
  12. Probably Jesus just because I'd really be interested if he was litteraly just the David Blaine of his era. Or he really was the son of God....
  13. I'm finding my games look better on my OLED deck than on my 65inch OLED. Obviously the picture is smaller which makes it appear better. But I'm super impressed with the deck lately. I think I could try college football on my deck using my EA account. 🤔
  14. I'm not into football games. I love watching the NFL and some college but I'm more of a basketball guy. But even then I stopped playing 2K at a certain point too. I'm just glad college football turned out so well for the fans. I played a little bit of it and can appreciate it.
  15. I might give this a shot after I'm finished with the open world interpretations.
  16. I've been playing about 2 hours on each the last few days. I'm trying to pick which one I want to focus on but they are equally great in their own ways. How am I playing both? I don't have a job that's how.
  17. I loved the ending with paying homage to Ferris Bueller!
  18. I litteraly can't choose which is the better game. I played both today for hours and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm having a hell of a time with both. Phenomenal games.
  19. Yea this deep fake shit is extremely dangerous. I've seen some so dead on I really questioned if it was actually real.
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