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Everything posted by Best

  1. Thank you. I feel really sad for you Andrea. I know he was like a brother to you. I'm so glad you guys had a chance to meet up and have a beautiful memory together. What a sweet human being he was. I woke up this morning and said to myself, "something is wrong". My brain wasn't awake yet and then it popped in my head Stephen passed away. I broke down in tears. I'm glad you have your husband with you to help you through this. I know even him had a relationship with Stephen. God bless you my friend.
  2. This brings up another memory of stepee. He sent me a memory stick in an envelope and he was embarrassed about his hand writing on the envelope to address me. I was pleasantly surprised by the wring and it was perfectly fine and I made sure to tell him that. I have the envelope in my desk and I will always keep it in memory of his absolutely amazing generosity.
  3. I will have to type mine as well. I haven't written anything in over 20yrs.
  4. Best

    What's cookin?

    Looks incredible.
  5. That's a great idea. I can write but it's turned into caveman writing at this point. Will we ever know how he passed or is that being kept private?
  6. Stepee made me laugh out loud lot at times. Keyser is very quick witted and clever. He is a master at sarcasm.
  7. That is a beautiful thing to have been gifted a PC from him. You will cherish that moment forever.
  8. I've played TLOU 1 on it and Cyberpunk and they both run fine. I play any game I'm interested in on it. Never had any issues.
  9. I beat RDR2 and Uncharted 4 this month. Both are classics.
  10. My OLED deck is all I play now. It's simply incredible and so much easier for me to play games longer. I haven't touched my consoles in almost 2 months.
  11. He was such a positive light through and through. He never complained about anything even when he was broken in half from his accident. He was finally getting his life back and was living the dream of exploring the world and sharing his wealth to this community. He had a heart of gold and was a very intelligent and funny guy. I will always keep him close to my heart and will try to be half the man he was. I know everyone here loved him and we seriously need to do something in his memory. I'm just a mess right now.
  12. Guys I'm not handling this well. Unfortunately he and I were having issues the last few months and I hate how we never got to reunite as brothers again. I genuinely viewed him as my brother. We were both 42 yrs old and we shared many game memories together. Not being able to reconnect with him hurts my soul. He was such an amazing human being and I'm thankful I did get to tell him that on a few occasions. I'm in tears now playing my deck that he bought me and I'm so heartbroken like everyone here. It's just so devastating. I wanted to post with him for many years to come. I hope he gets to meet my identical twin brother and they are laughing and having a beautiful time on the other side. God bless him. ❤
  13. I don't know what to say. My heart litteraly just broke in half. He was such a good friend to everyone here and was so generous. The last thing he gifted me was my OLED deck and I will hold on to that for the rest of my life. God please take care of him, his parents, and family. I'm basically sick to my stomach. Jesus Christ.
  14. I was in the exact same situation and I had to give my cat back to his original owner. I cried like a baby on many occasions but sometimes in life you have to sacrifice and adjust accordingly. I have lost many people in my life including my identical twin brother of 35 yrs. That the worse pain I'll ever feel in my lifetime. You have to get strong and move forward. Stay focused on some small goals and tough it out. Just remember, as bad as you think your situation is, there are millions worse off than you. You can do this, man.
  15. I don’t recall that. That's interesting. I only played and beat Red Dead Redemption 1 once at its launch.
  16. @Dodger I beat RDR2 just now. I kinda forgot
  17. I am below average in gaming now. Even playing a game like Dishonored 2 I struggle on medium difficulty. So he probably just thinks games are a lot easier and that I can handle games like Armored Core.
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