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Everything posted by Best

  1. I was rooting for Joe in the SOTU speech and was actually nervous before it went down. Then I was complementing him during the speech on this very forum. He has difficulty speaking but really stepped it up here. He was screaming the entire time though so that was one negative I pointed out. Saying I don't understand politics because I sometimes hurt your guys feelings when I say the truth is laughable. Well Riley said that and it's far from the truth. I'm an educated person.
  2. I didn't mention a thing about Trump? I just made an observation from the speech yesterday. I watched the entire thing. No need to get so defensive. I even said Biden did really well. You guys need to relax.
  3. Lol that was uncalled for. I understand politics but it's not my life like yours. All you do is post about it 24/7. I'm not brainwashed by anything.
  4. He definitely came off angry and mentioned his "predecessor" too much.
  5. Well I knew I'd like it early on. If I get far enough I'll be interested if I like the parts I didn't last summer.
  6. Well I have a few weeks then I'm back looking for a job. But trust me, it gets boring. Like it gets difficult to even motivate yourself to play a game lol.
  7. So I'm enjoying FF16 lol. The music is really good. I'm not sure how far I'll get but it's good which I expect earlier on.
  8. It's funny that when you relax this much you miss working. Playing games all day is boring and not rewarding either.
  9. This was posted on the entertainment board but RIP.
  10. Fox News said they juiced him with a lot of stuff to "make him lively".
  11. Ghost is so fuckin good. I beat that twice.
  12. A political speech was too political. America is amazing.
  13. TGIF everyday is getting boring ngl.
  14. These were my thoughts and they were quickly shot down. Mini games are apart of the games blah blah blah. I am playing 16 today to see how it clicks with me now that I've beaten Remake and I'm 15 hours into Rebirth.
  15. RIP 🙏 I never watched that stuff but I understand how important it is to so many.
  16. Oh, absolutely. It's really a disgusting industry. Having saying that, I just caved tonight and went back to it. I'm terribly weak.
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