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Everything posted by Best

  1. I miss the good old days when Ghost Recon was good. They were some of my first xbl games back in the day. Great memories.
  2. Oh, Rebirth is definitely superior to FF16. That's awesome you learned how to deal with combat on normal now. So you must be heading up to the city of Junon.
  3. It will not hit 60 with all that's going on in this game. I am expecting 30fps throughout unless you're in doors somewhere.
  4. You're my favorite except when you call me a stupid fuckin piece of shit lol.
  5. I appreciate the support in here. I definitely am trying to grow and I've definitely learned from my mistakes on here. I never try to attack anyone anymore and try to be as civil as possible.
  6. Boy I played 4 hours of FF16 today. It's such a great game early on. This is the same thing that happened to me at its release. I'm going to keep at it and find out when it falls apart for me. I will continue Rebirth tonight after dinner.
  7. Yea, I understand your history with covid and how Trump completely mishandled everything. I shouldn't have said he was a great President but I was just frustrated and being dumb (in another section of the boards). I understand he is not a good person nor was he a good President. I also understand politics are important but getting too invested in it causes more hate than good sometimes. I see it in here when I say something that goes against the views here. But I'll continue to voice my opinion where I see fit but be more understanding. I have nothing but love for everyone here so it is unfortunate when I get attacked personally for saying things that are true but get shit on because of how liberal this forum is.
  8. I was. One was Michael O'Pake who I'd go to Philly games with. I even went to a game with him and Governor Ed Rendell. Laugh all you want.
  9. He is one of the best users on here.
  10. You know absolutely nothing about me. I was personal friends with Pennsylvania senators in college and know a lot about politics. Just because I don't mind Trump doesn't give you the right to attack me personally or my intelligence. My views have changed but I'm not far left like everyone on here.
  11. Well I really appreciate your effort @Ominous for trying to utilize plex but my connection just isn't good enough. I get 3 minutes into the movie and then it disconnects. Could someone rent me this on Amazon prime?
  12. I don't troll on this section because I understand how important politics are to you guys on here. But any time I say one thing that goes against the leftist here I get attacked...PERSONALLY. It's absolutely childish and and completely uncalled for. I try to stay away but I am allowed to voice my opinion on this forum and I shouldn't be attacked personally for it. That's where modding is useless here.
  13. Happy birthday 🎂. I think you're 40 now like a big boy.
  14. Guys, FF16 is better than Rebirth. Kidding, but boy does it start out great. I will get fooled again here lol. I'm about fire up Rebirth now. I'm a FF junkie.
  15. Of course it is. He probably is one of the worst ever. Unfortunately he will most likely win this November so I don't know what you guys are going to do. I don't take politics as seriously as you guys on here because I realized long ago that we have absolutely no control in anything. Even votes.
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