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Everything posted by Best

  1. Idk. I'm making great progress in 16 and I still haven't gotten to a place where it goes down hill. I don't recall when it happens but so far this has been an excellent game. I'm playing it over Rebirth that's how much I'm enjoying it.
  2. The tattoos were a dead giveaway he was an illegal.
  3. I'm currently playing both right now and lean on playing 16 more at this point. I don't do side quests so that's a non issue for me. I'm kinda experimenting with this playthrough to find out when 16 hits a wall but I haven't gotten there yet. I plan on beating Rebirth before DD2 but the mini games absolutely slow down its momentum. It's still an awesome game besides that. But I agree with you overall.
  4. Tbh, I enjoyed that movie more than the new animated one. Yes, it was bat shit crazy and as a 12yr old boy I was in heaven.
  5. What are you talking about? I was just forced in a Chocobo race to move the story along. Plus the mini-games to get to that section. The Golden saucer is one big mini game lol.
  6. I agree with this but it's not a popular opinion here. I actually am preferring FF16's flow so much more because there is no nonsense in between the great stuff. I still love Rebirth but the mini games drive me nuts. Foe instance chapter 8 is littered with them in between a awesome story moment.
  7. I got rid of HBO. I have absolutely nothing right now. I'm an hour into Barbie and it's good.
  8. Well sometimes it's about the money. But I wish you luck regardless.
  9. Holy shit that's so nice of you! I'll send you my email in a dm.
  10. @Biggie I'm sure there are quality of life changes made and maybe the difficulty is one where they changed that up. You are really going to have to pay attention to reviews on this one which I know you don't like.
  11. I played the first one for 10 hours and never died on easy or had any issues with checkpoints. But yea, on normal difficulty you can get trashed out of nowhere. I initially played on that difficulty.
  12. I used to. It's no big deal I'll eventually see it. I don't like begging like this either.
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