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Everything posted by Best

  1. If I had a Switch that docked I'd get this. The praise this game gets is phenomenal.
  2. A new movie that is 2 years away. Give us details on a new 3-D Mario you cowards. 😤
  3. I remember thinking Kendall Jenner was hot and she gave me so much shit for that. She was a god damn super model at the time lol. Andrea was extremely cruel to me most of the time even though I treated her so well. I bought her a ton of shit out of pity.
  4. I'm getting it for PS5. PS5 games on my tv look a bit better than my XSX games. This will not run well on the deck.
  5. How old are you? I remember showing interest in 23 year olds in here years back and Andrea calling my a pedophile.
  6. He was being sarcastic. Which I'm sure you're aware of.
  7. They won't allow it to go below 30. This is a AAA game through and through and might end up one of the all time greats. Capcom is terrific.
  8. Haha so generic. I'm done with AA titles now. They just don't do it for me.
  9. Well chapter 8 turned out more than fun and games. What a surprise! Major spoilers below: Going back and forth between this and 16 is great.
  10. I'm playing FF16 and not exploring anything lol. I'm moving along fast and dominating. Same goes for Rebirth...just focusing on the storyline.
  11. @Keyser_Soze I swear on my brothers life I had a dream about you last night. I came over to your house and you were about 7 years old. Really tiny though and had a little brother. You were watching him as your mom was at work. Long story short and dream, we played ICO together on a PS2 builg out of Legos. It was a long dream but it was definitely you lol.
  12. Very close to that so I'm looking forward to it. I did that last week lol. I really moved the story along initially haha.
  13. I had a difficult time in Costa del Sol because I didn't know the rules. But I memorized cards and eventually won.
  14. I miss the good old days when Ghost Recon was good. They were some of my first xbl games back in the day. Great memories.
  15. Oh, Rebirth is definitely superior to FF16. That's awesome you learned how to deal with combat on normal now. So you must be heading up to the city of Junon.
  16. It will not hit 60 with all that's going on in this game. I am expecting 30fps throughout unless you're in doors somewhere.
  17. You're my favorite except when you call me a stupid fuckin piece of shit lol.
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