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Everything posted by Best

  1. I put SM64 as not only the best platformer but probably the greatest game of all-time. Galaxy was special as well. So if Astrobot is in the same conversation it must be brilliant.
  2. Domino's is flat out gross.
  3. I watched a video and had no idea what was going on lol. It looked great visually though.
  4. Edibles are a problem because the effects work for 12 hours or so. But I bet you had the best sleep you've ever had lol.
  5. Never played it. I'll look at a video on YouTube now. I'm assuming you want this, correct?
  6. I made the executive decision to not buy this. I just know I'd play it for an hour and never touch it again.
  7. @Bacon I just downloaded your favorite Fromsoft game. I didn't realize I owned it. Dark Souls 2. I'm trying it out shortly.
  8. Jfc. I might buy this soon. I love Mario so if this is similar and of the same quality I'm about 90% sure I'm buying this now. Today is your lucky day. I'll buy you a copy. Now, we can either use PayPal or I can get you psn codes.
  9. I'm seriously struggling to not buy this. The reviews are just too good to pass this up. But I know my gaming tastes and I don't think I'd finish it.
  10. I've always liked Lincoln Park. Chester passing was really tough. I wish them well with the new lead.
  11. Yea I could have played with others. Looks like I might exploit that.
  12. Yea reading reviews it seems really niche. It's not a bad setup in the beginning but after my first quest I was told to use the smithing station. That was confusing so I kinda tapped out there for today. Yea I also read Wilds will be more user friendly. I'll give it more time tomorrow.
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