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Everything posted by Best

  1. That was a commercial that aired once a day back in the day.
  2. I used to own a Ford but how are they these days? Nice picks 👍
  3. Cnut is absolutely on the top of my list who hates me too. But she is a cold person in general especially looking at her posts. They usually all have some sort of attitude associated with them. Jason is a complete tool and actually thinks he's better than most on here. He only communicates with a few on here who he litteraly thinks are on his imaginary level. He is a complete and utter loser. I absolutely despise him. He tried to control my posting just a few weeks ago because I said something conservative and I just told Wade and Wade was pissed. The loser thought he could control my content ike some big shot haha. This place has wonderful people on it but I could give you a list of the assholes, too. Lionfranco was a drama queen.
  4. I guess. Just like I don't like the concept of most Nintendo games. I just want this to turn out awesome but if not oh well.
  5. Yea I understand your life isn't all rosy especially with your physicality limitations. You're a really good guy with a big heart who is a also extremely positive which does wonders. I am trying to enjoy my freedom right now but so many factors weigh on it.
  6. I won't comment any more on that section of the board. But it's definitely not a healthy place to visit regularly.
  7. I can safely say I'm enjoying FF16 more than I am currently Rebirth. I'll have this beat by Friday. The music is absolutely incredible.
  8. I honestly don't care if this turns out good or not. I just am worried about DD2. No reviews is not a good sign.
  9. You don't have an illness like I do. I remember the days I was happy too and "normal" and would be so happy not working right now. I'm much different than you buddy boy.
  10. I don't think many take you serious enough to "hate" you. I on the other hand have many who hate me lol. Or think I'm a moron because I don't post about politics 24/7...
  11. You'd think that but it's not the case. Plus I have severe depression and I'm on medication that fucks me up. I'm currently in the process of getting off meds but it will take over a year to do so.
  12. Because I have a mental condition that makes me forget almost everything within days/weeks. Especially stories from movies and games. It happened when my twin brother died in 2017 and slowly after I developed a condition in my brain to block out almost everything in its entirety. There is nothing that can be done as I'm just dead weight at this point. That situation traumatized me more than anything ever in my life or anything that could ever happen in my life if he never died. Most people do not understand the amount of pain and devastation there is when you lose not just a brother but an IDENTICAL twin brother who you were attached to for 35 years. Our souls were connected and the amount of love that is involved with twins is beyond comprehension. For instance if I just lost my biological sister in 2017, I'd be completely fine now and over everything. With an identical twin who is basically you in another form, it's life shattering. That's why I am beyond screwed up and have many issues that current therapy is trying to help but it's suicidal type pain daily. So yea, I start over games all the time because of this. I litteraly cannot remember last week at all and I'm not even remotely exaggerating.
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