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Everything posted by Best

  1. Skyrim had magic and incredible replayability. Fallout 4 is when things went south.
  2. Cut that off to go to the pos Jesse Watters. Unreal.
  3. Nope. It was made as it was circle in the box. I cut the pieces. It was fresh.
  4. Lol Bethesda is doomed. ES 6 will probably turn out shitty. I had high hopes after Skyrim but after playing Starfield I'm extremely disappointed.
  5. Samsung OLED 65in. I did absolutely everything in my power to get the XSX to look like my PS5 and no matter what I do the XSX is a bit more washed out. Don't get me wrong, it still looks excellent but PS5 games absolutely pop on this TV.
  6. I'll never stay away from the political board. I have every right to post in there.
  7. I just need to know that the XSX version absolutely runs vrr 40fps. I really don't want to buy it on that if possible but I obviously will take vrr over a better image quality.
  8. @Biggie "I have no doubt that it is an experience that will go down in gaming history as one of the best RPGs of all time". You sure you're skipping this, pal?
  9. I don't care if it was a TV reference or not the guy is a troll.
  10. I'm reading reviews and not seeing where you guys are reading this stuff. Can you link me to where it says vrr is official for the xsx version? I'd rather play on my PS5 but if it's going to potentially run at 40fps on xsx I guess I have to get it on that.
  11. There is an easy mode with the option of having a healer as your main spawn throughout the game. I played the first and had 0 issues with difficulty like I won't with part 2. I'd wait for user impressions here before making a decision like this.
  12. DD2 got tremendous reviews. You aren't interested? Want to wait for reviews for endless ocean?
  13. The review I go by said performance on consoles isn't that bad at all. I'm not a PC snob looking for 120fps or even 60. I'm completely fine with sub par 30fps as that's what I play all my games at. I'm buying the PS5 version and will be in gaming heaven!
  14. I litteraly have no idea who he is either other than he thought he got me in some thread about NFL games being rigged. The idiot thought I was being serious about that and called me out twice without seeing my serious posts in the sports section. You know, where I said multiple times that no NFL game is rigged lol.
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