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Everything posted by Best

  1. It's pretty damn fascinating that a man who claims he is worth $2.6 billion cannot pay this. This is a complete embarrassment to his "legacy". Let them seize all his assets and have him file for bankruptcy. 😆
  2. Yes it's a mix of a router/modem. My bad. Yes, this is still Comcast. Interesting thing is I called them to troubleshoot this issue about an hour ago and now my connection is terrific? Maybe it just needed restarted?
  3. I don't have a router just a modem. That's why I want to get this booster by tomorrow if it's a good idea.
  4. That's cool. I'm on console though. I might play at midnight to check the framerate out to get that nightmare over with.
  5. So I got a new modem to increase wifi speed in my home. Well it has turned out the speed is even worse than it was previously. What's everyone's thoughts on WiFi Extender Signal Boosters? I can buy one on Amazon for $60 and have it shipped here tomorrow. What exactly do these entail for hookup?
  6. I knew it wouldn't turn out great. 75 is not very good at all for a Nintendo game. The premise looked psychotic the first time I saw it.
  7. I loved it up to that point too then it got extremely boring. Two many mini games, too. I'll have to come back to this game later on to see if my initial impressions are accurate.
  8. I never pay attention to any ranking or anything in this realm. I play games how I see fit. That being said, RE4 is not as good as people say it is. I beat it twice in the last year to confirm this.
  9. I don't even know who you are but you think I'm not intelligent enough to post on a laughable one sided circle jerk political message board? Give me an example if you know me this well....
  10. What did you say before you edited it out? If you think I'm buying you a game now for insulting my intelligence you're a funny guy.
  11. I didn't even read the responses to my post. I know the movie reviewed well because that's why I chose to watch it. It's a garbage "movie".
  12. @Biggie Why in the hell are you concerned if I post in the shitty political boards?
  13. I can't watch all of that. But yea, Starfield is a 6 maybe 7/10 type game from a developer that made special games in the past. It's not good....so ES6 is not on my radar anymore.
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