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Everything posted by Best

  1. What about Rise of the Ronin, Dragon's Dogma 2, and Horizon Forbidden West all at the same time! That's me tomorrow 🤪
  2. It was a headline on my homepage. I turned on my phone and what I copied was a headline. I guess when choosing between two different save option at the menu choosing the one in the inn could potentially erase all your progress. I'll try to find the article.
  3. Room (2015) Now this is a movie. Extremely touching with two amazing performances. 5/5
  4. NEW UPDATE: PSA: Don't use the 'Load from Last Inn Rest' option in Dragon's Dogma 2 unless you want to risk permanently losing progress...
  5. @Biggie Just be patient going in because since you didn't play part 1 you have to learn a few things. Once you get it, the game is awesome!
  6. I just don't see it slipping past 25. But R* can do whatever the hell they want honestly. Nobody will push them to release unfinished.
  7. Also, I fought a troll of some sort by the dam and he was easy. That can't be where you guys are struggling, correct?
  8. Yes, I turned off online and it made all the difference. @Biggie It wasn't loading issues I was having. My game kept trying to connect hence everything being slow. Also, the framerate is COMPLETELY fine even in a city. So I'm confused on the criticisms there. This game is fuckin awesome. @Keyser_Soze Remember in part 1 when you were at a inn that is where you learned new abilities etc? That's not the case here so where do you do that?
  9. This is really bad guys. My game keeps freezing at the same location after you rest and create your pawn. Any recommendations? I can move the camera but can't do anything else. Help! Edit: Never mind. Its my connection. After I slept its trying to connect to the server and everything is frozen until it connects. Thank God.
  10. I don't recall comments on graphics and like I said I'm fine with them. The combat is good. Unfortunately my game apparently wasn't fully downloaded so I couldn't advance after the tutorial.
  11. Yea I guess you're right. I'm fine with the visuals because the combat is cool. I'll play through this because I love this era and combat style. Thank God there is an easy mode!
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