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Everything posted by Best

  1. I didn't comment on the film itself. I just really dislike Ashley Birch. But I'm definitely finishing this as I'm an hour in now.
  2. Well right off the bat a big negative for me is fuckin Aloy is the star of this. I cannot stand her voice lol. I'm about 15 minutes in.
  3. I never played it on ps4 but it was basically unplayable for me yesterday. Then I did a quick search and the consensus is it's basically not playable on deck. Stepee got it looking ok but nothing great.
  4. @skillzdadirecta This game is much better than I was anticipating. The visuals in the open world are better than Ghost of Tsushima and the combat is more fun, too. The story is my only complaint so far as it's not drawing me in yet. It probably will open up soon though. This is definitely worth playing. This took me by surprise.
  5. No matter what I do I'm always at "average" weight.... I give items to pawns, sell, etc. The main thing are the camping kits that weigh so much. I only carry one at a time but they are crucial.
  6. I really like the inventory management here. Especially with camping kits being so heavy. I was about to walk all the way home but found a person selling items and bought a camping kit. Then there was a campfire near the ocean. So I rested and continued on my quest.
  7. You put serious time in games when you play Holy hell. I guess your work schedule makes you binge on games when you get a weekend. I just can't do it like you.
  8. I hire offline pawns like a loser. My connection just can't handle this so oh well. I look forward to playing more tomorrow.
  9. @stepee Kingdom come is very interesting. It looks spectacular and is extremely realistic. As in if you don't eat you can die. It's a very slow burn but I played 2 hours and was hooked. I can't believe it looks as good as it does for 2018.
  10. I'm going to pass on this. Will there be a chance it could run better down the road with some sort of patch?
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