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Everything posted by Best

  1. What's everyone's thought on KIA's?
  2. Well my pawns are offline because my connection is just God awful. Will they still help? I did talk to npcs and got nowhere. Yea, ill probably google.
  3. I ran into a woman that wants me to use her house for a week. So it's free and I get to sleep and store things there. I'm level 16 currently traveling really far away for a quest I got in town. How do you do quests that tell you to do something but nothing is on the map to assist? I ran into that issue in part 1 too.
  4. Damn. I'm in the dungeon area and the guard AI is good. I accidentally pulled out my sword and the guard said do not test me! Then I ventured too far into the jail/dungeon and was attacked by 4 guards then locked up. Thankfully I have a cell key lol.
  5. I just meant ill play games on your behalf lol.
  6. What am I doing wrong? I just want to take one quest at a time but the way I see it working it doesn't allow you to just select one quest. Nevermind. I'm not setting the quest as priority lol.
  7. Buy nyquil and sleep it off then. Nyquil provides relief for basically everything.
  8. Might be time to see a doctor, bud. @Brian That's what you would say, right?
  9. Finished it. I enjoyed it up until the end. I won't say anything else but I will say Ashley Birch grew on me in this. I thought the acting was pretty impressive for something this low budget.
  10. I focused on the first quest given in the capitol and completed that which took a while. Now I'm kinda exploring. Yes, exploration is rewarding pretty much all the time.
  11. Yea I understand. That was me being frustrated. I stopped playing it all together and will get back to it with a fresh mind.
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