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Everything posted by Best

  1. Getting myself ready to play this again. I will have to probably start over but that's fine. I just really have to prepare myself for mini games this go around.
  2. It's that short yes. I've been doing that. I opened up the entire map minus bakbatthal. I have done a lot of exploring but at some point I want to move things a long. I still have the new region to explore with more quests. I'm taking my time with this to a certain extent.
  3. I'm at the last quest for Brant. Hopefully I don't beat this game today haha. I'm 17 hours in and I read reviewers beat it on average at 22-24 hours which is disappointing. I've stopped for now to put my focus on Rebirth.
  4. @Keyser_Soze I never see portcrystal's anywhere only in vernworth. Are they in villages like Melle and Harve? Because now I have to travel from Harve to Melve and that's a huge pain in the ass.
  5. Guides don't say that.... anyway, nobody was even in the cave to save. So we got to the end of it and THEN she officially told me her plans so I can end this quest. This is a glitch imo.
  6. I put the brakes on this. So much information is thrown at you at every corner I can't comprehend it. I'm not exaggerating so those that didn't get a few hours into this don't comment unless you've seen what they are doing here. It’s like they are mixing every fucking genre into this one game and it's bloated af. The core combat is fun but nothing special. I'll probably come back to this when I'm in a drought. I'm focusing on DD2 and will try and beat Rebirth now.
  7. I figured this out but no guide helped me. Something happened in my game that didn't happen for those that did guides for this.
  8. Wtf. The quest "Readvent of Calamity" is odd. The guide im looking at doesn't mention what happened to me in my experience. Anyone else do this quest?
  9. You said you would be very negative on this if you bought it...it's not a new experience etc. How else am I supposed to take that lol. I get you're having fun but that's because you didn't pay for it.
  10. I played 12 hours of DD1 basically before this and I couldn't be happier. It helped me understand what type of game this is. Glad you got it for free since you're not too happy.
  11. Congratulations. When do you start?
  12. I understood the joking afterwards. The guys above that joked are very good people with good hearts so it's ok. But you make good points overall.
  13. No it's not really a clock it just kinda indicates when night and day come. It slowly rotates. Why they just didn't include a clock is beyond me.
  14. I usually don't like giving hired pawns my stuff because I don't want to forget about it then lose stuff. I do give my main pawn shit.
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