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Everything posted by Best

  1. Played 4 hours of this today and I'm now further than I ever gave been. Really engrossing with very little action but I'm on board.
  2. Yea it's beautiful looking. My game wasn't fully loaded so when I tried to leave the campground it stopped me at my vehicle to continue to load lol.
  3. Are the Orioles affected by the bridge incident?
  4. Wait until you guys cross the border. You guys are being smart in leveling up and taking your time because that will pay off once you get to bakbatthal. The enemies are much stronger and more dangerous.
  5. I started over. The main reason I'm giving this another try is because of all the GOTY awards it won. Plus my favorite review site gave it a 9.5. The first thing that struck me when booting this up were the beautiful visuals.
  6. This other section is awesome so I'm really happy that I have much more content at my fingertips. This game is so good.
  7. I was busy with many other games and I currently do not have a job so I have all the time in the world to play it. I didn't HATE it and I have played and beat all Remedy games up to this point (minus dlc). I was following along with the story just fine about 10 hours in. Does it stay ok from a story perspective that I will enjoy the 10 other hours to complete this? I just don't want it to go off the rails story wise with its super natural stuff.
  8. Ok. I might try this again lol. Is the story difficult to follow? I got about 10 hours in but dropped it like a hot potato. 🥔
  9. Have any of you guys crossed the border like me? It's like a brand new game. New weapons, new environment, new enemies, and more quests!
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