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Everything posted by Best

  1. Eating honey from a comb is delightful. I love bees.
  2. It's definitely stepee. Nobody in their right mind would bump this lol.
  3. If it's not you then I'm at a total loss who it could be.
  4. You're litteraly the only person complaining about combat. Attacks pass through enemies? I've never seen this. It's like you're trying to find fault in this game. Go play Rebirth.
  5. @stepee I understand your appreciation for Old Gods of Asgard. They have a really great 80's vibe especially the guitar play. That one level was unique running around with the screens everywhere.
  6. I'll sleep like a baby tonight. 😴
  7. Well in turns out I got a ton of leftovers from my sisters house to eat tomorrow. 😆 Ham was grilled so I heard it was fantastic.
  8. @Biggie I didn't see you raging. Not sure if there is anything to rage about? I'm level 32 just owning everyone. I just did an other quest to keep the game going. I did die tonight because I faced off with a lion/snake creature. Never seen them around and it wasn't fun.
  9. I'm not sure I'll try anything different this playthrough. I think this is a type of game that I'll come back to in the future.
  10. My sister had Easter dinner today but I didn't go. Wasn't feelin it. Yes, there would be ham there.
  11. If I'm thinking about the same quest I showed up after a long journey without a bow let a alone the correct class lol.
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