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Everything posted by Best

  1. I had to buy Star Wars Shadow of the Empire at launch on the 64 for $95. My poor mom just bought it for me and I didn't understand why it cost so much.
  2. I'll check psn for this and maybe try it out. Is there mini games in this?
  3. I have absolutely no issues with WNBA players being 90% gay. None of my posts said anything of the sort. She just loves to get on me whenever she can. I ignore her yet she can't do the same.
  4. Holy shit, dude! That's so sick.
  5. @CastlevaniaNut18 Here is just one single example where I got my information. Try not to attack me when you have absolutely no right to do so.
  6. I haven't played with that type of visual style in so long. I probably can appreciate it since I grew up with it. In fact, pixel art aged better than most visual styles.
  7. Lol. Interesting I'll have to take a look. So I assume it was remastered or something. 🤔
  8. Twilight you mean? Eclipse was awful lol. I did however really enjoy the first Twilight. Something about that movie is really striking. Plus the soundtrack was phenomenal. Especially Paramore.
  9. I get it trust me. I'm just a much different gamer than you guys are on here. I'm not taking shots at the game at all. It is what you make of it so that's the cool thing. If you guys enjoy leveling up and changing classes that is completely fine. I'll see if my opinion changes once I beat it which won't be long now.
  10. Well what's the best way to play it? If some how I could get it on steam and maybe mod it that would be ideal. I don't think I can stomach those old school visuals etc.
  11. Overall, what's your thoughts on the environment in Vegas? I hear its not nearly as impressive as it is at night with all the lights.
  12. Imo you guys are playing this like an MMO. Leveling your character for really no reason. You don't have to be that strong to beat the game or enemies. So other than for shits and giggles you guys are changing up class and not advancing the game for no reasons. You are doing it for fun which is ok to a point. I'm not taking a shot here but it's a bit confusing. This is a good game but didn't hit me like I was anticipating. I understand this is a unique game, too. So please don't take this post too negatively.
  13. I got kinda bored today and just shut it off lol. I like story driven games and always fighting monsters gets old to me. That's why I advanced the story as much as possible and I'm much further than you guys.
  14. Never played it or have any inkling to do so.
  15. I don't claim or personally know anything about this other than what I see reported. It's a real issue. Glad I could make you laugh.
  16. I have absolutely no issue with you if you just ignore me. I watch a lot of sport outlets and the opinion I said above is what is being reported. I'm not making this up or taking shots at lesbians. I'm just making observations on what I read and see. What exactly was wrong in what I said?
  17. I stated facts. I can comment on women's sexuality in sports just like every sports outlet. Shut the fuck up Jesus Christ you're fuckin annoying.
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