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Everything posted by Best

  1. I agree this is your section. However I don't like a thread about me.
  2. Ok @stepee I'm understanding your love for this game now. Shit really picked up with some tense combat moments. The atmosphere in this game is through the fuckin roof! It's been raining and dreary here so this is the absolute perfect game to be playing now. Plus
  3. I agree with you. I thought it was an ok game but not better than the first. It's way too big for its own good and severally bloated. The ending and such with the technology behind it awesome though. It's worth a playthrough just for visuals alone. I can't imagine how great it looks for you and master race fellows.
  4. Yea they are pretty hard on her for just leaving after the events of part 1, but I think that's a fair point to be made by everyone.
  5. That was almost a fucking year ago now. I was having a very difficult time with my mental health. Have I been that way recently since my medication change and getting a new therapist? You're a cold mother fucker sitting on your high horse like you're some political scholar. You read and watch the news like everyone else. Get over yourself dude. You're from Canada too which makes you even more laughable in how wrapped up you are on this board and politics. I don't say anything pro Trump or Musk except the one time a long while back. I learned from my mistake and moved on. Everyone else did too. This is an extremely difficult board to share opinions on when 100% of the people are woke liberals. Just shut your mouth and block me you fuckin loser.
  6. How is making an observation in how Musk mumbles in his speaking have anything to do with this? I made a mistake a while ago saying things about Trump but that has been covered here and everyone moved on except you. You keep attacking my intelligence every chance you get and it's not ok. Please stop communicating with me and block me so you don't have to read my posts. I'll ask Wade to assist me on this harassment too.
  7. I was and always will be calm with you. But please just block me so you don't have to read my posts. It's very simple. Then you don't have to falsely accuse me for shit. And again I'll ask...when? I'm truly confused here but if you refuse to give me an example then fuck off. That is a serious accusation to put on someone with nothing to show for it.
  8. Guaranteed 7/10 from you. Right now it's sitting at an 8/10 for me. This was definitely not as good as I'd imagined. But still a very cool game.
  9. I took a small break because I was getting kinda bored with the repetition. But today I had a lot of fun so I'm still interested and will beat it.
  10. Wow. Thank you for the detailed response.
  11. Some of the things to figure out in this game is really cool. I haven't used a guide at all. I am 11 hours in now. If there was more combat I'd be praising this game. Because the gun play is excellent. It's a psychological horror so I buckled up for the ride this time and will beat it.
  12. @Bacon I just said fuck it tonight and just explored my ass off. What was cool I was deep in Battahl and just kept moving along through caverns and such and ended up back in Vermund. It was good I did because by the end of my journey I lost all my pawns in battle including my main pawn. Some epic battles were had. Now I'm in the beginning section if the border working my way back to the city.
  13. I am being dead serious in that I don't recall in recent memory of talking about women in a bad way. I have absolutely no issues with gay people in general. I trashed you because you trashed me. I didn't intentionally attack you and your sexuality. You seriously need to stop interacting with me. You litteraly are making this up because you have no examples to share when I supposedly spoke badly about women. Keep trying though.
  14. You can't even give me an example because you're full of shit. Get the fuck outta here.
  15. There is nothing I want to play on it. That will change soon with some of these exclusives coming down the line.
  16. I still have no idea what I said that was wrong? Also, when do I even talk about women on here? You're making shit up now. Minus what I have said to you.
  17. Jesus dude you got a hard on for me. When did I go over the moon when Biden did the SOTU speech? Give me an example. Then give me an example in how I reversed my opinion. I have absolutely no idea what you're saying here. I made a comment about Elon and that was it. You're from Canada yet are extremely concerned about the US so much in fact you post on this board every 5 minutes bitching about something political. If you really hate me this much just block me. You're a joke to me. Pick on someone else I thought I was done with you lol.
  18. The only thing I really hate about him is how he talks. He mumbles and thinks everything he says is so important. For instance his recent interview with Bill Maher. It was comical.
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