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Everything posted by Best

  1. I think I really hate the texture. It fucked me up as a kid and I never looked back.
  2. It's a rare occasions ok
  3. 24 years since registering best3444 on IGN. I enjoy everyone on other sections of this forum but yea, it's been a very long time. Eventually it will end.
  4. I like pineapple and ham on my pizza, too. Nothing but love here, pal.
  5. What is a Monte Cristo sandwich?
  6. I don't like jelly. I never once had a PB&J.
  7. You're not a qualified contestant. I've bought you too many games in the past.
  8. Feeling generous. I'm gunna close this in 2 days I think. Any platform.
  9. I agree. I might have to get this. Tennis is easily the best sports game for videogames.
  10. You get hung up on some weird stuff in games and miss out on a lot. You make fair points to an extent but we are talking about videogames. AND you will be playing this in a few months just watch.
  11. Yea I just looked at a guide to see. I'm glad I really dug in to give this a shot. Very cool even though I know you weren't the biggest fan. It's definitely unique.
  12. @stepee I just reached a part where it says I'm at the end game and exploring is now limited. How much further do I have because I'm only 15 hours in lol.
  13. Even though I was fired everyone was so sad to see me go. I was friendly with everyone there so we are talking about 130 people. Well to finally not have to show back up to the place and face the bosses was one of the best feelings I ever had. I absolutely hated management and they absolutely missed me as a production supervisor. To fuck them and for them to find someone with my experience was so fuckin nice.
  14. Thank you for responding but I'm knee deep in Alan Wake 2 as I type this and I am so glad I gave this game as many chances as I did. I'm really advancing things and about 15 hours in now. Shit is getting wild and it's so interesting. I can definitely see why this was up for so many game of the year awards.
  15. Impressions, Impressions! Yea, playing the piano wouldn't be so bad if it were just one circle to focus on. I really love Tifa's song.
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