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Everything posted by Best

  1. Because flashing cameras and shutter clicks are distracting. So if you want to get a sense of what the person on the witness stand looks like, or how the accused looked during testimony the only way to get that across is through the sketch artist.
  2. I didn't say anything about Halo 3? And I said Robocop must be incredible with it's amazing lighting and reflections. 😆 I'm playin.
  3. Because you're speaking about games not movies or television. At least that was your example in introducing this topic. I couldn't care less I just thought I'd say something.
  4. I know you were a PC gamer before Halo on console so it didn't hit as hard for you. I guess you guys are saying Robocop is one of the best FPS's ever which is contradictory to review scores. The lighting and reflections must be awe inspiring.
  5. I recently bought Kingdom Come Deliverence and it is extremely realistic to a fault imo. Granted I didn't get too far but it's pretty complicated in it's systems and you can litteraly die by not eating lol. The visuals are absolutely incredible though and so are the characters and voice acting. If you give it your undivided attention it probably is a really unique gaming experience.
  6. Halo 1 on Xbox was revolutionary for console gaming. Wait, you put Robocop on your list because of the lighting? You sick bastard!
  7. I got ya. But Blake Griffin did retire today lol.
  8. God Prey was so fuckin good. But I guess it fits the mold of FPA. But I think Bioshock is a FPA too and shouldn't be on the list.
  9. Maybe one day I'll have it in me to finally beat it. But I have no desire at the moment. It's really strange that I really disliked Forbidden West for 2 full years and then after this PC release I've awoken out of this slumber and truly appreciate the game. It's actually really freakin good. I'm talking to myself as I play and I keep saying this is a 10/10 game. I really have learned to enjoy Aloy a lot and that has helped out a lot. I forget why you don't like this franchise but if it's only because you think Aloy looks like Blake Griffin (who retired today) then you're missing out on some of the very best adventure games ever made.
  10. I've been playing 3 hour chunks of Forbidden West each day. Game is so good.
  11. There is no reason to go back and forth because the points have been made on both sides. I knew what I was getting into but it was over hyped in reviews in MY opinion. I mean it got a 9.5 from easy allies lol. And yes, I know you don't give a fuck about reviews. I do and I got played.
  12. I never even played the campaign in COD4. However it offered the greatest FPS multiplayer ever. Still hasn't been topped and probably never we will be. But yea, it probably shouldn't be number one for a campaign with the other games listed. But again I never played it.
  13. Yea I get it. Biggie should have done more research on the game but I actually bought it for him so he had nothing to lose lol.
  14. Why? It's a completely harmless thread where Biggie announces that he is horny at a particular moment of the day and week. I'm on too many medications to be horny anymore.
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