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Everything posted by Best

  1. IGN has stepped it up as well. But generally I know what games to buy. Didn't you want a game coming out early May? Or did I buy that for you already? I completely forget.
  2. They aren't random reviewers though. I know the reviewers from IGN and Easy Allies. But yea, I take reviews and user impressions here to form an opinion on a game and if I should buy it.
  3. @stepee Now that I'm absolutely in love with Horizon, how does Zero Dawn compare to Forbidden West? I played a few hours on my deck but that's not the same as playing on my PS5. Are the visuals comparable? I basically forget everything about the game except for the opening sections. I am thinking I'll jump right into Zero Dawn if it's worth my time. I only beat it once in 2017. It litteraly came out when my brother died so it's a complete blackout for me.
  4. I shouldn't have said everyone because I absolutely know for a fact you don't care about reviews in the slightest. I care.
  5. I completely understand your view and you are a much more forgiving gamer than I am and also you like way more genres. You are also much more positive and optimistic than I am and can play a mediocre game and absolutely have a blast with it. I'm just built so differently. I take into account what some "professional" reviewers say because they are very intelligent and experienced with gaming and will usually steer the audience in the right direction in if a game is worth playing and buying. I know there are a lot of idiots/haters out there that review games ridiculously for click bait but I usually look at places like IGN and Easy Allies to let me know if a game is worth my time. I obviously know what genres I'll like but reviews in a general sense are important to me.
  6. I go to get Amazon Prime for this series and it's not taking my credit card info. So I guess I'll wait a day and see what's up. I am hyped for this after all this praise.
  7. Oh, I honestly do put a lot of stock in what some reviewers say. I know I'm in the minority here with that view. But I find it funny everyone here says they don't care about reviews yet they always refer to the oc scores wade or keyser posts.
  8. Because flashing cameras and shutter clicks are distracting. So if you want to get a sense of what the person on the witness stand looks like, or how the accused looked during testimony the only way to get that across is through the sketch artist.
  9. I didn't say anything about Halo 3? And I said Robocop must be incredible with it's amazing lighting and reflections. 😆 I'm playin.
  10. Because you're speaking about games not movies or television. At least that was your example in introducing this topic. I couldn't care less I just thought I'd say something.
  11. I know you were a PC gamer before Halo on console so it didn't hit as hard for you. I guess you guys are saying Robocop is one of the best FPS's ever which is contradictory to review scores. The lighting and reflections must be awe inspiring.
  12. I recently bought Kingdom Come Deliverence and it is extremely realistic to a fault imo. Granted I didn't get too far but it's pretty complicated in it's systems and you can litteraly die by not eating lol. The visuals are absolutely incredible though and so are the characters and voice acting. If you give it your undivided attention it probably is a really unique gaming experience.
  13. Halo 1 on Xbox was revolutionary for console gaming. Wait, you put Robocop on your list because of the lighting? You sick bastard!
  14. I got ya. But Blake Griffin did retire today lol.
  15. God Prey was so fuckin good. But I guess it fits the mold of FPA. But I think Bioshock is a FPA too and shouldn't be on the list.
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