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Everything posted by Best

  1. The one positive I can say about him is that he was pretty damn humorous.
  2. I tried to give The Witcher 3 many chances and I can't for the life of me stand Geralt. His voice goes right through me and his "personality" is God awful. I know that has to do with him being a Witcher but fuck that series.
  3. MGS isn't an RPG. Link is a mute and is not really even a character lol. He just exists in the world.
  4. Oh believe I understand there have been much better introductions to characters in cinema history. But maybe not as funny as the one I posted.
  5. Thank you. Hopefully somebody else can chip in, too.
  6. I'm going to be replaying Cyberpunk soon including Phantom Liberty but Johnny is kinda annoying in the game. He was my least favorite character and I actually like Keanu Reeves.
  7. Thanks for listing them. I'll have to watch the video to see her reasoning behind her choices.
  8. When he almost wrecks the vehicle is what really gets me. "Jesus!" 😆 Then continues on singing.
  9. I wish you luck on your first day.
  10. I thought Lowery ritred lol. They wouldn't get shit for him so that is why they would have to trade Maxey and somebody else to get Young.
  11. Well he is damn good. He isn't even 100% healthy and scored 50 the other night. But Brunson played huge today.
  12. I go to court tomorrow. I have to see how things play out before I can commit to helping you out. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  13. You don't want to get involved with that arrogant pos. You'll be busy reading essays about how intelligent and good looking he is. And about how he doesn't think you're very smart etc. Unless you want a good laugh then by all means.
  14. Sometimes traversing in this game can be challenging. Largely because of enormous mountains that block a path to the checkpoint. Currently I'm stuck below a few massive waterfalls blocking where I need to go. Apparently there is a cave I'm not seeing but it can be a bit frustrating. 😑
  15. Sorry to hear about your cats. I think intelligence between dogs and cats is just a matter of the actual pet you own. My dog wasn't as clever as my cat but I don't think there is any concrete evidence that supports which is actually smarter.
  16. I re-downloaded this just now. I have Avatar and Stellar Blade to play but this will be next. The reviews are phenomenal.
  17. And I'd like to point out I played DD2 for 25 hours before I decided it wasn't a very good game. I gave it a lot of time but ultimately the game not having a story and any characters was enough for me to drop it. It is basically an MMO hidden as a sp game. I was just confused why you wouldn't buy this now since it's a genre you really like. Is it because of the controversy surrounding it?
  18. @Keyser_Soze Thanks to Leon I have both of them ignored. Hope this makes you happy you sick fuck.
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