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Everything posted by Best

  1. So maybe I bought the XSX version for no reason? @Biggie How did you get a refund?
  2. It's a sign of strength. But odd you would do this. I thought we were friends. 😔
  3. Unbelievable. For some reason I didn't get disconnected today but yesterday on PS5 I litteraly couldn't connect at all. I thought it was my wifi.
  4. Yea I got that today too. I unfortunately had to buy this again for XSX because my PS5 constantly goes offline. But my XSX is much better and never disconnects so oh well. 2K got my 💰
  5. Citizen went after me because I said Musk mumbles. That's litteraly all I said. Then he went on about how I'm not intelligent etc. I'm not sitting back and letting him do that to me. With cnut, I litteraly said what is in the news about Clark getting hated on by lesbian WNBA players. Yes, known lesbian players that hate Clark is straight...I'm not making that up. I didn't say anything to her that was cruel. I stopped commenting. So again, you really have nothing to show for your post above. Everyone here has issues and make mistakes.
  6. My issue with Swift is that's she's almost 35 years old singing about teenage antics. But who the hell am I to judge with her ridiculous success.
  7. Good to hear. I have terrible anxiety so my first days were brutal for me socially. Meeting new people is difficult for me. But you seem light years more advanced than I am intellectually and probably have a better handle on things like that.
  8. In reality I hope Nintendo has an awesome launch with Switch 2. They have had plenty of time to prepare for it so I'm pretty positive it will ge good. I'm just glad there is going to be a new Nintendo system after 8 years. I want to see Zelda in 4K.
  9. What behavior in the last year are you referring too? I already brought up that I had a breakdown basically one year ago and I've improved since then. So what behavior do I show that you're so concerned about? You can't bring this up without examples.
  10. I didn't realize that scene was an introduction to Peter Venkman's character. It's been years since I've seen Ghostbusters but that is definitely a good one. I love how he gets a date at the end with sheer lies lol.
  11. You're another one that loves to jump in with smart ass remarks with things that have absolutely nothing to do with you. I mean why even say this? Are you upset with me? What are you trying to achieve by bringing up my past? I have made significant changes since last year when I was extremely cruel on here. I apologized for it and have made changes in my life to improve my mental health. There is no reason for you to say this stuff.
  12. Made fantastic progress today in my career. I then hopped into an exhibition match to try normal again and I won but it's still not easy. This is probably the best tennis game I've played in terms of realism.
  13. Did not know this. As much as I absolutely adore Seinfeld the show I never cared for him outside of it. He is very strange to say the least and not like his TV character at all.
  14. Well I have nothing else going on. You have a family and work. When I'm working I really struggle to get through just one game. So I'm kinda amazed at people like you or Mr.Vic20 who put hundreds of hours into games with a jam packed schedule.
  15. Ok. I just hope you don't get too frustrated again and rage quit. Normal is difficult.
  16. I restarted this morning. It's really damn good but this time I chose the male V because I couldn't stand the female voice in this. Not that she did a bad job but I just couldn't stand her actual voice. The other negative I have with this game is the music. But other than that it's awesome.
  17. @Brian Let us know how your first day went.
  18. I miss my friendship with her. We had our issues but I really liked her and she was extremely smart and funny. She was wise beyond her years and gave me great life advice.
  19. If I were you I wouldn't play on normal right now. You need to get some wins under your belt to build confidence but also to make it less frustrating. Start on very easy and work your way up.
  20. Well I'm heading out soon. I understand you don't have much time but I have to take care of a few things in the next two days. If everything goes well I'll absolutely help you out.
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