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Everything posted by Best

  1. Dlo after his big donut game running into the room packin his bags made me litteraly laugh out loud.
  2. I agree. I think the 360 is the greatest console ever made.
  3. I can't think of a gen where I have so many choices with games. I am never in a situation where there is nothing to play. I mean I'm constantly rotating games in and out because there is so much to play. This gen has been amazing.
  4. Wow. He's the best I've ever seen.
  5. I always get a good chuckle from this 🤣
  6. Idk. 2023 was absolutely spectacular on every platform including PS5. I do agree that we haven't seen anything really truly "next-gen" but I've had a blast so far in this generation.
  7. Sixers come back from 22 points down in the second quarter and take the lead going into halftime. I feel good about things and go to bed. Then wake up and see they lost by 3. Sad. I'll have to check out the highlights to see what happened.
  8. Happy Friday, buddy.
  9. Due to recent changes to my financial situation, I can no longer afford a top of the line PC. I will be a console peasant for the rest of my life.
  10. After my Cyberpunk complete playthrough and then Starfield, I'm happily coming back to this with patience. I look forward to it. I did get to chapter 12 but then I had to take a break.
  11. Cyberpunk 2.0 is quite the accomplishment from CDPR. It's the most immersive city ever created. I just had relations with a hooker which I didn’t know was a thing. Pretty explicit, too. I'm moving the story along nicely and I think Phantom Liberty is now unlocked. Anyone who was ever on the fence on this I highly recommend this game now.
  12. God I'd love to work remote now that I have had a lot of time to think about it. My entire family basically is remote and they couldn't be happier. Hell my nephew is on Xbox all fuckin day while "working".
  13. Well take some time to pick a game. Or future game.
  14. I mean I'm eventually going to go back to it but I was a bit surprised you'd be playing since you said how much you hate it. How much of Endless Ocean have you played?
  15. I can understand that. Philly is an hour away from me and I've always rooted for them. I used to go to their practices in the 90s at a local college.
  16. Big game tonight in Philly. Definitely tuning in.
  17. Well I guess I am not well informed outside of government work. Because the PA Governor sign a bill that eliminated a college degree being part of the application process in the state. He sent out a state wide email a few months back that told all state employees college degrees are no longer looked for in hiring.
  18. I truly hope he has a job paying him enough for spending that much money for school. It seems nowadays college degrees aren't as necessary to obtain a good job.
  19. I can't get into that. I watched the music video and I just have a very difficult time connecting to that type of art. Spider-Verse impressed visually but I also really enjoy Spider-Man. I don't go out of my way to watch this type of stuff. I'll pass on this series but thanks @legend for trying to introduce me.
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