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Everything posted by Best

  1. Burritos are definitely better than tacos 🌮
  2. Buffalo Wild Wings is bangin I don't care what anyone thinks.
  3. @Biggie were you nervous calling in sick? Enjoy the 3 day weekend buddy. You deserve it.
  4. My bad 👎
  5. I swear to you I've used this saying from George in a few occasions in life. Such great advice.
  6. Welcome to my world Do you have to call in to a supervisor or anything? That was policy for me. I absolutely dreaded lying that I was sick.
  7. @Keyser_Soze Had them and he said you really only taste pickle flavor. Seems gross af.
  8. I didn't realize we were so close in post counts. 35K is a lot lol.
  9. Cool. You're definitely an important user on here. Congrats on 1K.
  10. Did you initially join in 2010 like most here or is 2019 when you actually joined?
  11. Been there done that. Good for you.
  12. Fuck you! You owe me after this!
  13. Work holiday or taking off?
  14. I think we need to give Microsoft a chance here with their upcoming exclusives. But everyone here is making great points so I'd like them to go third party. Have Sony and Nintendo duke it out.
  15. That one was better than this. But yea, I hated you even then lmao.
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