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Everything posted by Best

  1. @Chairslinger Did you even watch the Lakers vs Nuggets series? I don't mean highlights either. You're way off lol.
  2. Does anyone else have enough pain in their life that suicide comes to mind at least a few times daily? I really struggle with it and quite frankly don't want to be on this earth. My mom just said that suicide is the easy way out and I blatantly told her it's absolutely not. It takes some serious balls to kill yourself. I just don't have any type of future or real life companions so I'm really lonely and completely broken from losing my twin brother. I will never recover from 2017 and ever since then my life has been utter shit.
  3. True. He had a run where his fatass was the best in the league. But Luka has a much more complete game at his weight and size.
  4. Phantom Liberty. Cyberpunk dlc. It comes available about 20 hours into the sp.
  5. @Biggie He averaged 34 pts, 9.2 reb, and 9.8 assist lol. It's insane.
  6. Yea just drank a cup of coffee getting ready to play PL.
  7. Of course he's the best. Should have easily been MVP, too.
  8. I don't know how a chubby kid is the best player in the NBA. I'm being serious.
  9. How in the hell did I miss this!
  10. Lol. I love bacon.
  11. I never used that on any computer I've used...ever. That's so cool.
  12. Pacers just don't have enough to beat the Knicks. They are also boring as hell to watch.
  13. I'm too stupid to understand this.
  14. One of the better threads on here in a very long time. @Bacon take notes.
  15. I got this before because I always enjoyed Subways pepperoni meatball sub. Yea, I know it's no comparison but I thought Firehouse was like eating at a gourmet restaurant afterwards.
  16. I've had that very sub and I can attest that it's phenomenal.
  17. Best


    Hoping for a speedy recovery 🙏
  18. I will and did when I have a job. But now I choose to game in the morning with my coffee. Evenings I'm watching my shows and maybe a movie.
  19. I don't play games at night. I play in the morning. I already played a few hours of Cyberpunk and then my season in NBA 2K24.
  20. What flavor? I was eating there daily at one point in my life and loved every minute of it.
  21. @legend I'm 18 hours in and have yet to get a blade for combat? I've picked them up but when I check my inventory it's never there. What am I doing wrong? Sad part is I've been leveling my blade abilities for no good reason lol.
  22. Now my YouTube feed is full of alien shit. There are a lot of folks who swear they have seen extra terrestrials lol.
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