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Everything posted by Best

  1. I thought DS2 is the worst game ever made according to you?
  2. That was a gross scene in Seinfeld. "She has man hands".
  3. That's easiest yea. So just to confirm, $60, correct?
  4. It looks absolutely god awful from what I've seen on YouTube. If it were 1978 it be cool I guess.
  5. It was just odd. I know you didn't mean anything malicious. I feel ya with working out. I need to go on a diet and start walking for at least 30 minutes a day.
  6. You seem to have a really good head on your shoulders and have a lot of things going on in your life. Being a father, husband, teacher, and having an exercise program is really awesome.
  7. The blades in this kick so much ass. However, Phantom Liberty is kinda padding it's length with mandatory side missions and now I'm getting a bit frustrated. I'm 20 hours in and want this to end.
  8. I think you're a rare breed then. I don't think most humans want to be alone.
  9. Having a family is extremely important to like 85% of human beings. We were created this way. I know you have no desire for a family but I do and I hate being lonely. So you don't even want a woman? I thought you're lonely?
  10. Yea, definitely having a wife and kids who rely on you is huge in keeping your sanity. I don't even have a job atm so I litteraly have nothing to keep me motivated. I appreciate the words of wisdom. I do try to tell myself that I'm basically at halftime in my life and there's an entire half yet to go.
  11. This honestly is about as enthusiastic as I get in a entire month.
  12. I'm in the middle of watching the Tom Brady roast on Netflix. It's been pretty damn good so far.
  13. I can't imagine you with a different icon. It would be so weird lol.
  14. That's unfortunate you feel and think that there is nothingness when we pass. You will be pleasantly surprised.
  15. I realized I was the only person on here with a real photo of themselves in the icon. So I changed it.
  16. I really hate that I think the way that I do. Suicide is an awful thing and even though I get help through therapy these thoughts don't go away. Today is just worse than most days for me so that's why I created this thread. I'm glad you're pretty healthy mentally and honest.
  17. Yea I am an alcoholic and have the urge to drink daily. I actually slipped up a few months ago and had a binge night. I think loneliness is a key factor but I had a dream of my brother last night that really hit hard for me. I woke up crying this morning and the fact that I don't know if I'm ever going to see him ever again is extremely devastating. I feel for you and you seem like a really good dude. Sorry to hear you're struggling.
  18. @Chairslinger Did you even watch the Lakers vs Nuggets series? I don't mean highlights either. You're way off lol.
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