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Everything posted by Best

  1. Yea, having better days. Thanks. I did something very nice for my mother on mother's day that helped a lot. Thank you very much for this post. I go to therapy twice a month with a new therapist that is currently working with my family dynamics. I don't speak to my identical twin brother's 9 yr old daughter which is something I need to change for not only my mental health but for the little girl's, too. I am on major medication for my depression and panic attacks. My goal is to get off them because it's turned me into a walking zombie. I need to get my self employed sooner rather than later which will help my mood. I'll definitely keep you in my for any pm's if I need anything. You are a great dude and very knowledgeable so I really appreciate you looking out.
  2. Lol no. I meant other than you, Biggie, and myself nobody cared. Then my boy spork popped in.
  3. Thank you 😊 I just hope he is ok.
  4. Well I know you are but nobody else cares it seems. Oh well.
  5. I guess nobody gives a shit. 😆
  6. I highly doubt he cared you took his board. He never even posted on his board when it was active.
  7. I had this strange urge to check out Fable 1. Holy shit I forgot they remastered this because it looks excellent. That music is legendary. What a classic.
  8. Fuck gamestop. Bring back funcoland! In all seriousness, this was bound to happen.
  9. Did I miss something? I know he has some health issues but I don't recall him saying anything in why he has disappeared. Hopefully he's ok. @Remarkableriots Are you ok?
  10. Fuck tooth aches. The worst pain I've ever had was from that a month and a half ago. Sorry to hear man. Good for you with the weight loss though.
  11. I'd like to hear you play. I have absolutely no musical ability so I am useless here.
  12. Yea. I tried Fallout 76 and it's ass still. Trying to beat Cyberpunk before Wednesday because that's when Starfield gets the updates. I'm playing and finally beating it.
  13. Did you use your "sick" voice on Friday morning? I usually throw in a cough.
  14. Call in sick again 🤧
  15. Well that Euortrash will be on the Hawks roster come November.
  16. I couldn't even beat the first boss in that. Don't underestimate your "skillz". You are way above average.
  17. Pain killers, xanax, weed, and booze in my life. I'm completely sober now unfortunately.
  18. He isn't anything special in the slightest. There are a few guys going to college this year that will be one and done that are very good.
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