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Everything posted by Best

  1. I'm buying the Rudy Giuliani coffee. ☕
  2. Don't tease me in buying an OLED Switch. Question @Biggie Are the controls better on the Oled compared to the standard? Is it not possible to buy a Switch that docks now?
  3. Halfway through. In daylight these are hands down the most realistic visuals I've ever seen. UR5 is incredible. I really can't distinguish this from a videogame to watching a movie.
  4. Edward's is good and all but is still very young. I didn't watch most of the game but he only finished with 19 points. The comparisons I keep hearing is that he is like Michael Jordan from 1988. Lol....um, nice try NBA to find another star but ain't nobody ever gunna be as good as Jordan. People seriously need to get that in their head. Anyway, it will be a great series.
  5. Nice. I remember volunteering on holidays for double time. $$$
  6. That was super fast. I read it costs $19.99 to rent...?
  7. Yea I think I remember you saying that. The last COD game I played and absolutely loved was black ops 2. The mp was insanely good. Maybe better than COD 4's mp.
  8. I think you answered your own question. 80 people developing a game is nothing these days. They did accomplish making a game look photo-realistic so there's that.
  9. Lol completely forgot about this song.
  10. Yea I am impressed with this. However it's not the most enjoyable experience just because of the tone of the game. You're constantly in distress with horrifying imagery and inner dialogue. Still nothing matches these visuals and immersion on display here.
  11. Yea. I said mixed reviews because one outlet gave it a 10/10 and then another gave it a 5/10. It's on gamepass so there is nothing to lose. The story so far is extremely basic but the atmosphere and immersion are out of this world. Plus even though the combat is simple it is fun and really satisfying.
  12. I didn't do anything and I got your pm.
  13. Ok, going to really sink my teeth in right now. I read a lot of reviews saying the story is not one of it's strong points. If it has visuals this good I couldn't care less. 😆
  14. I liked him on Shark tank so I'm biased.
  15. Kryie is a good dude. He was immature in years past but he is not only incredible at the game but a much better guy these days. But I can understand your view.
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