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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Realistically speaking, even the drama at Infinity Ward that led to Respawn couldn’t touch the brand. And I don’t think ‘Let us buy it we’ll ruin it!’ is a strong enough argument here for regulators.
  2. The idea is that a console manufacturer owning CoD could stifle competition, not encourage it. Which I 100% agree with. Does it hurt consumers in a way that’s tangibly visible right now, in today’s market? No. On the surface, consumers win by getting CoD on Games Pass, and Microsoft promises they’ll play nicely with the brand for a ’long’ time because it’s in their best interests. Win/Win right? Could it be used as a convenient excuse to jack up the price of their consoles and Games Pass in the future, because they own CoD? Absolutely. If nothing else, it encourages further fuckery on both sides to gobble up more of the industry and be poor actors in everything else that’s not CoD. It puts major pressure to hedge their bets. A 10 year time bomb just means this will be ongoing and define the rest of this gen and the next. Generally, I think the industry is more pro-consumer when hiring not buying out talent (and IP) is the competitive norm.
  3. Then they’d have nothing to complain about if other parts of the acquisition were provisionally divested in 10 years time. Right? 10 years is not long term. It’s a looming countdown timer on the horizon. I’ll never understand their fixation with that number. If the shoe was on the other foot, they’d be crying foul over it all the same.
  4. Hahaha, no. That’s one heck of a reach around. Nvidia supports Microsoft, Activision merger after Xbox deal to add games to cloud service WWW.CNBC.COM The Nvidia deal might help Microsoft remove one hurdle for its largest acquisition to date, video-game publisher Activision Blizzard.
  5. I don’t think Diablo IV gets taken off PlayStation in any capacity. It’s too soon, and some deals might already be inked. Other future Blizzard projects could skip PS consoles and/or subscription services potentially. With how they’re managing Bethesda, anything is possible.
  6. That’s my point. UK regulators are still making that cloud arguement on their behalf. Or even Apple entering the space. Appealing to Nvidia alone probably isn’t enough.
  7. Not surprised if it wasn’t. The UK report was also concerned about the acquisition stifling future competition in the space. GeForce Now isn’t really a serious competitor IMO, considering you’d have to outright purchase any CoD game you’d want to play on it. Microsoft/Activision still gets their cut. Even if bought on Steam or something. But they’d never sign a deal for Amazon to make CoD available on Luna through Prime.
  8. Nintendo is signing because they know from experience how fickle 3rd parties as a whole are with them, especially when they launch new hardware. They’d probably also sign a GTA contract if they could.
  9. At least the energy cells in 3 unlocked more of a side area when you collected more of them. I could be okay with something like that again.
  10. I did it just fine without guides or smartphones back in 2002. It’s not obtuse. It’s easy to parse for these types of games. Much more than the series was before it in 2D. Prime is simpler to navigate, find your bearings in, and resorts to fewer cheap tricks like dummy walls and tiles that can stunt progress. It gently points you in a direction with its hint system, and you absolutely don’t have to find and collect everything. You can make out pretty okay following the critical path as you come to it. Which again, is not that hard to follow. Never play Hollowknight if Metroid Prime 1 is too much for you. You should probably avoid some of the harder Zeldas as well. (Master Quest, Oracle of Ages, etc). Some great games aren’t for everyone.
  11. Backtracking is only a crime in this series when it directly tells you to go find a number of key items to progress. One of the few things Retro gets wrong. Echoes is also the worst offender, by far.
  12. StarCraft Remastered is only a skin, but the og game’s art is so rough on modern displays, it was really needed.
  13. “Customers” aside, the competitors might be cloud gaming curious companies, based on the document.
  14. This is probably true if you didn’t adjust the auto aim or enabled always sprint option on console. I had no qualms in doing so and making it further as a result. It shouldn’t have to be a game about precision so much as dodging, seems to be designed that way.
  15. Let’s be honest, first person platforming sucks with dual stick controls. You’re more used to the method of movement and have adjusted over years, but guesstimating where the ground and your invisible feet end is a definite weakness of the perspective. And it manifests more apparently with dual stick controls than anything else. I thought the subtle tilt Retro did when jumping was ingenious. I understand why they had to take it out for the dual stick option, but still. I played Supraland not too long ago, that game tried to fix the problem by actually showing you your feet when looking down, to facilitate precision platforming. It still didn’t quite work IMO. Modern FPSs don’t often experiment with smaller platforms for this reason.
  16. Warpips (EGS) - https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/warpips-57e2c4 Duskers is next week. GOG.com WWW.GOG.COM Download the best classic and new games on Windows, Mac & Linux. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies and 30-day money-back guarantee. (Alien Breed Trilogy)
  17. Can confirm. Game crashed in zone 3 on me on PS5, but I was able to boot right back to where I was. Thank goodness.
  18. Metroid Prime Remastered: a sublime reworking of a stone-cold classic WWW.EUROGAMER.NET The original Metroid Prime is one of the most beloved games of all time - and now it's been remastered for Switch with radically overhauled graphics.
  19. The most annoying thing in the original release (and MP2) was the need to hold R to free look / aim. For a game designed with lots of verticality in exploration, that definitely didn’t fit it very well. It’s kind of like what RE4 was on the system, but you get used to it as you can there. With combat, I think the lock on and circle strafe system worked great. It was unique to FPSs for the time, and still is today. The whole idea of a FPS where the aiming is mostly taken care for you allowed them to design boss fights in a different way, culminating in MP2’s bosses being very difficult, and fun. MP3 lost something in that transition, but that might be because too many enemies/bosses were damage sponges. I’m in the clear minority that thought the local multiplayer mode in MP2 wasn’t half bad. I know I’ll never see it remade because of everyone else’s opinions, but lock-on + dual analog would be interesting there. Kind of a hybrid of what Retro tried and NST with Hunters.
  20. The game really wasn’t that hard in the first place. My biggest issue with MP1 generally is that it relied too much on Beam/Visor switching to provide challenge by the end. (That and the stupid keys) Prime 2 is much harder in the balance of things, especially before difficulty got scaled back in the Trilogy edition. Prime 3 would also rely more on good aim, being designed for motion. If they ever got a similar treatment I think it’d be less of an issue.
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