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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I want a sequel to Diddy Kong Racing. This might come close enough.
  2. The literal perfect game for me right now. As a first time parent, I've been able to play it with split joycons while my daughter naps on my lap. It's the type of mindless fun I can boot up and enjoy in a perpetually sleep deprived state. It's also my first mosuo game. It’s kind of like a beat'em up with more cannon fodder and more mini-bosses. Strategy doesn't matter at all here, you can order members of your team around, but it's mainly to save you time. True to Breath of the Wild, enemies become much too repetitive by the end. The thing that saves it from tedium is the variety of character playstyles, and eventually, the ability to stun lock tougher opponents, which becomes a game in itself to keep your combo going. The game definitely encourages you to switch around characters. Performance is bad. Nothing can justify that. However, the game is jank enough, in a kitchen sink sort of way, that I'm not sure higher framerates would dramatically help. The game doesn't test your reaction speed much. There's ample opportunities to enter slow mo to use attack items, runes, or heal. Movement is quick, even when framerates are not. All said, I actually think they struck an okay balance here between trying to pull off a game like this on the Switch that feels epic enough for the concept. The camera issues bugged me a lot more honestly. There's this nasty depth of field effect that will activate on enemies close to the camera, which is problematic in pretty much every big encounter. It's commonplace to be backed up against a wall and not being to able to see what's happening. There's a wall jumping mechanic that is also super jank with the camera. The flying characters feel terrible because the perspective used on them sucks. There's also this huge character I played on a level with tight corridors ... no bueno. I also dislike the weapon systems here. Instead of breaking, you fuse weapons to level them up. Sounds like an improvement on the surface. But there's a convoluted upgrade system with status effects that's poorly explained in-game. I might actually prefer BoTW's approach on the whole, at least in that game I felt better about throwing weapons away. Do you need to play it before BoTW2? Probably not. It does more with story than BoTW, but not in a way that is consequential unless Nintendo spins-off from a spin-off game. One thing I will say is that while BoTW's bosses felt like a cakewalk, the ones here give a little bit more pushback. And I can appreciate the ways the last few encounters differentiate themselves from the source material. 7.5/10 Better camera and performance could have brought it up higher. 2023 Games Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 8/10 Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - 7.5/10
  3. So they couldn't even be bothered to add DLSS/FSR2 on PC? I'm still planing to play this on PS4 mode when I get around to it.
  4. Uses both Lumen and Nanite. Looks good generally, but there’s some notable lighting errors around the character when they talk about Lumen. It looks almost like a screen space effect error.
  5. Unlocked the last character before the end of Age of Calamity. Anyone else on the board beat this, or am I the first?
  6. Correction, Mirrors Edge won’t be delisted. EA clarified.
  7. Battlefield Legacy - Sunsetting Announcement WWW.EA.COM An update on the future of Battlefield 1943, Bad Company, Bad Company 2 and Mirror’s Edge.
  8. Well Skyward Sword got ported, even if it’s a bit convoluted to make it work. I don’t think you could do SF Zero so easily without fundamentally redesigning it. It’d both be simultaneously too easy and hard with a standard control scheme
  9. Part of me wants to go back and finish the Star Fox Zero levels I never did. But the fact that the opposite branching path into venom apparently doesn't change the final boss at all sort of kills my desire.
  10. It’s better than the Wii U one (X). That game still probably has the most interesting environments, but the side content in 3 is so much better all while it retains the structure of the first. The story matters, the characters matter, the world matters, the progression systems matter, etc. The only thing that kind of sort of doesn’t is the villains, compared to the main series at least. (1 and 2) It’s also job/classes oriented. So if you like FF5 and such, this goes full in on that. Lots of different playstyles to learn and characters to recruit. Is it better than the first game? Depends on what you want. I still have a soft spot for the first game’s narrative, pacing and music. Moment to moment 3 is more fun.
  11. Yoshi I own. Paper Splash and Kirby … I’m not sure if it’s worth it.
  12. To be fair, other global illumination techniques like Lumen and SSGI could be a decent trade-off for games with performance concerns. It’s less obviously wrong that other screen space techniques can be. Those techniques could also be expanded with better hardware, maybe even combined with some manner of RT to check it? Wouldn’t be surprised if some console games today have gone there, or will in the future. I always go back to this Days Gone vid to show what can be possible without RT with right hands, even on last gen hardware.
  13. You’re really beelining it! Howlongtobeat says a straight first run should take over 60 hours. You’ll get there much earlier. The through plotline of the game is a less satisfying than 1 or 2. Unlike those two games, the side stuff is waaaay better, and fleshes out the characters and lore a lot. On one hand, that means that if you want to play more after you finish you’d have tons of great content left, without much pushback since you’d be overleveled. On the other hand, the way you’re playing this is more how I’d recommend playing 1, where the side content sucks. That could be the better game for you, granted the combat system is much less developed.
  14. With how far the cutbacks were on Control even, I gotta think there’s still plenty further a Pro console could go with it. We’d also see more PC games on average have RT features.
  15. Raytracing is about much more than how realistic shadows look. Here's the future we're headed towards: (full video) No way we're getting there with traditional techniques, no matter how good developers have gotten at them.
  16. I seem to recall one of the islands being pretty spotty (one of the steep hilly ones). Don’t think you have to visit it for the main story.
  17. 7. You’re on Chapter 5 with only 25 hours put in???
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