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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I'm not quoting any edition verbatim. Use whatever you wish to check for the meaning. AFAIK, they aren't passages known to have major discrepancies in translations.
  2. lol, that's some pretty bunk tiktok theology Those "outside assumptions of the text" he mentions in the first video are sourced within other passages of the same gospel. Such as Jesus claiming 'I am' who existed before Abraham (John 8:58), before the world (John 17:5), or that those who have seen him have seen God (John 14:9). Selective reading of a single verse is the worst kind of cherry picking. Second video is him reading into another verse the same idea that Jesus is not a divine person. Mark 2 does nothing to illustrate this either. Its this guy's own "outside assumption of the text" that relies on the rest of scripture adhering to his view. (it doesn't)
  3. I think the worst part is that he cites a forum post about differences with halfed framerates. It’d take some serious effort on Activision’s part to make CoD target only 30fps on PS5. It’s just not happening. There is a scenario where I could see a weak argument: a PS5 Pro existing and no Series X Pro, and CoD not doing anything with it when it does scale higher on PC. But that’d be less about platform parity and more about not giving Sony an edge. Similar things could be said about not supporting Dual Sense features if it ever comes to that. On the flip side, if Sony releases ever releases an underpowered console, Microsoft should have no obligation to have performance parity with it. In any of their multiplatform releases.
  4. I agree that MMOs have limited appeal. But Blizzard is one of the two major players in the space. I have to believe that if they did a new MMO, people would flock to it.
  5. Maybe we just do a summer month. Like a Random Game July or something. To try the weirdest stuff you’d never get around to otherwise.
  6. In the short term. Long term, I think we’ll see a full scale WoW reboot eventually that feels more modern. Or even a StarCraft MMO instead so they can keep two revenue streams open. And port WoW to Xbox while they’re at it. Microsoft has huge potential to grow this.
  7. Technically, it wasn't ever announced for Xbox. It was announced as a timed exclusive: "Play it first on PS4" then later with Intergrade as a "Console Exclusive: Available 6 months earlier than any other format." It wouldn't have been crazy to assume it'd come to Xbox at some point, as I'm sure some news outlets did. Timed exclusive announcements at E3 typically don't refer to PC ports because of console war shenanigans. But Square threaded the needle to leave the Xbox option closed and technically not lie about it. If I could venture a guess, it could be because SquareEnix wants Games Pass money for ports. That's likely how Octopath Traveller 1 made it to Xbox and not Sony platforms. If Microsoft isn't paying up, I don't think SquareEnix is porting. If there's no Sony deal for FFXIV, Square could have been waiting on a large chunk of change. This isn't the same game other Japanese publishers play generally, but they may feel like they're in a privileged position to ask if their games sell so much worse on Microsoft consoles. FFXIV is no big loss for Microsoft in the long run. They're on the cusp of owning WoW now, and surely won't be bringing that MMO (franchise) to Sony platforms.
  8. It'd be fun just to have a what are you playing thread for the randomest shit we can think of. I'm pretty sure I have plenty of deep cuts like that which almost no one would know about.
  9. Why are you bringing up Square being bought by MS? Whatever happened here probably means they’re not getting scooped up under Sony’s nose like Bethesda was. EA is probably too big to buy for now with MS’s cash reserves. Unlikely we see something like Activision again for a good while. Smaller(-ish) is the way for them to go for the time being.
  10. How is intermission by the way? Thinking I’d give it a go when its on sale before Rebirth is out.
  11. They do. The last two big single player FF entries (FFXV and FF7R) sold between 10 and 15 million units. Perhaps they’ve lost some relevance compared to say, Sony 1st party, whose biggest releases cross the 20 million mark. But I still wouldn’t call it niche. Not unless you’d say franchises like Resident Evil and Tomb Raider are niche as well. FFXIV is the real juggernaut for them right now, at 27 million.
  12. It’d have to be very sour to leave so much money on the table. In theory, at least. Square’s not even giving PC as much love as they could. When are we getting KH games on Steam?
  13. Square Enix once again snubs Xbox for a major upcoming game launch | Windows Central WWW.WINDOWSCENTRAL.COM Final Fantasy I through IV are available almost literally everywhere but Xbox. We know Sony money is involved on some level for FFXVI and 7R, Jez is now suggesting it runs deeper.
  14. 7 is better than 9, or at the very least has aged better. The battle system moves quicker. It has better developed antagonists, higher stake twists, more fun side activities, and doesn’t quote bad George Lucas in the 11th hour. Plus no subplot that hand-waives child abuse as better than having no family.
  15. I’d say you’d still get more out of it having played the original. The ending will make more sense. So will some of the twists, as inconsequential as they are for Remake (but perhaps not Rebirth).
  16. It’s a 9/10, IMO. The questionable bits drag it down, but it’s a fun while it lasts on the whole. They have their work cut out for them to make Rebirth as fun of a trip.
  17. Love how bitter Bacon is about a game he never played.
  18. I’ll jump over temporarily to console whenever there’s just reason to. I’m pretty glad I have a PS5 at the moment, as opposed to paying an arm and leg for a GPU and still seeing shader stutters. Some games I don’t mind playing on PS5… for now. I can think of at least a couple recent-ish ones. I doubt we ever see the Crash Team Racing remake ported. There’s some holes in Microsoft’s lineup (Halo 5, most Gears games, etc ). On Sony’s side, we’re never seeing The Last Guardian or the Gravity Rush games revisited.
  19. Yep, FF7 remake is worth playing. Finish Xenoblade 3 first though. You’re so close.
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