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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I'm not too far into the game either (Returnal pulled me away), but from what I've either played or seen online, it does have some portals into new zones that are simultaneously displayed and instantaneous (akin to Psyconauts 2), some light/dark world like switching at your prompting, plus the "Load Zone" sequences you're referring to. At least one mini-game like section has gameplay interspersed in those parts too. I should get back to the game this year. Had fun with what I played, but the series is still very new to me, so I can't speak to the redundancy claims.
  2. Psychonauts 2 has cooler bag of tricks in many ways, but its portals aren't used that often, and tend to load into corridors or similar looking areas. It's more the scene transformations that impressed me. This video is a must watch regardless. Dark wold / light world trope isn't on the same level of environment swaps. But its still amazing.
  3. Isn’t Elden ring super poorly optimized unless you’re playing the PS4 version on PS5? No real frame rate caps below 60fps, and large fluctuations whether you play in performance or quality mode. I haven’t touched my Elden Ring disc yet in fairness. But I know I’d rather play a game with a 30fps cap, with sometimes dips, than one that wildly and frequently swerves below 60fps.
  4. The part where he runs behind the pillar is the clearest giveaway it’s probably done up.
  5. Mario Galaxy 2 is the best 3D Mario. You're in for a treat.
  6. Hey, if they can get it working as well as that did with its latency, I could see myself being curious at least. But if they're not building some secret sauce into it that fixes Remote Play's shortcomings, its a hard no for me.
  7. I think the "average viewer" of these things is interested in seeing Sony's own projects at a Sony showcase. The people who aren't invested in that likely aren't watching this live, or in its totality. They might catch a trailer or two after the show. Probably just Spider-Man 2 gameplay. Don't think people are that dumb. This point used to be argued all the time about CoD, as if Microsoft/Sony were slighting each other by showing it off on their stage first. The fact that they both stopped doing it with that franchise says something about how much marketing deals matter. I also doubt Hogwarts sold poorly on Series consoles. If its pushing Playstation's, it's more likely because Sony did enough outside of that marketing deal to take a mindshare lead, or to keep people in their ecosystem.
  8. All I was thinking watching this is that I should get back to Zelda. Hope it ends up okay, but that can't be helped.
  9. Its so bullshit in a high inflation environment. Glad I work for myself and charge clients directly. I can give myself a raise.
  10. This. There's still something to be said for future lineup hype. But if there's any takeaway here, its that CG announcements hardly move the needle. Microsoft did a ton of that at the start of this gen, but what people generally went for was what was material. Now Sony's getting their own shit for falling back on it. Smoke & mirrors is stupid. These companies should resist the temptation to do it, and instead set expectations accordingly.
  11. They have a lot more than 121 salaried employees. Microsoft won’t give salaried employees raises this year - The Verge WWW.THEVERGE.COM CEO Satya Nadella is blaming the rough economy. I get the reasons, with tech being so down and the deal being so important. But it's definitely a shitty look. And doesn't encourage retention.
  12. Games remain a popular category. They've released good big games. Consoles are a value currently. They're the leading brand. They're successfully selling new games at $70, and aren't cannibalizing early sales with a day one subscription. It's that simple. They were consistent for nearly 3 years from launch without a pronounced dry spell. I think it's clear this wasn't their year to show things, presuming Geoff doesn't have anything more. CG trailers are a dead giveaway.
  13. I'm much more up on this than you all. So what if it's a Splatoon rip off. Only the Switch has Splatoon. And I like the idea of the spray building walkable surfaces. This will look like a breath of fresh air next to most of the other multiplayer shooters we'll see announced or shown this summer. I'd rather have SquareEnix chase Splatoon than Payday or Destiny.
  14. Clearly you've heard of 'arrogant Sony.' ... This probably isn't where they wanted to be for yerterday's show. But they're also in a position to coast a bit if they want. I'm more concerned about them trying to step away too far from what they've been good at, with multiplayer projects.
  15. I don't think their marketing is as strong as their brand itself and the general momentum of the console market segment. I'd say the same for Microsoft. The FOMO rush of getting the new Playstation and Xbox this gen was very real. The proportion of demand relative to what was actually offered at launch hasn't been this ridiculous since the PS2, IMO. To Sony's credit, they've had several big releases over these past 2 and 1/2 years. If the shoe was on the other foot, I'd like to think Microsoft would be in a much better position than they are now.
  16. It would be odd if a CG trailer for a new IP did get people excited. You need a big franchise or super renowned studio for that. Case in point: the MGS3 remake. But even that has that yucky Konami aftertaste.
  17. Nintendo's managed that transition extremely well. They still impress in their summer show with 1st party titles, with a few other notable ones sprinkled in Directs throughout the year. And generally speaking, they've been fairly quick to turn around on releases. Maybe it took the failure of the Wii U and no split-off handheld division to get them there. But it's working. If Microsoft and Sony could do the same, that would be ideal. But I have my doubts - I think they care too much about launching hardware close to each other to prioritize their pipeline being firm. Sony did prep fairly well for the launch at least, to their credit. It's the dry period now outside of Spider-Man 2. (... and hot damn has Insomniac done a lot for them)
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