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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I really liked the show overall, probably Microsoft’s best ever. The worst parts of it were somewhat surprisingly the hangovers from the past: we really didn’t need another tone piece from Hellblade 2. Fable was a beautiful tech demo of Playground’s cutscene direction, but they should have been able to show the game itself by now. Avowed and Clockwork did it right by comparison. Lots of exposition as to what they are, but with some gameplay mixed in. I don’t think those games will be mentioned in the same breath as a Microsoft’s bigger projects, but they looked very material and real in a way I appreciated. Compulsion showed a beautiful trailer for their game, which we still don’t really know much about. I’m cool with that considering how well Microsoft counterbalanced it with gameplay of other things. Which Starfield really took the cake on. I’m convinced that this is so much more than space Fallout, which otherwise I would ignore. I kind of wish Nintendo and Sony would lean this hard into their games in addition to their shows, like Microsoft did here. It’s a good format. I think Microsoft proved today that in their good years, they are not perpetually behind Sony. With the additions they’ve made, they can come out ahead of them content-wise in the hype cycle. Competition is good, and I like Bethesda as a counterweight. Even in a decent year for Sony, this show would more than hang. And on that note… they really don’t need Activison for it be exciting for us.
  2. It also wasn’t CG, which gives that more of a pass in my book. The style alone sells it, plus it’s good to know that it’s in-engine. Gameplay is the bigger test for Compulsion. We Happy Few could have ended up being something really special, but they picked the worst possible genre for it out of the gate. (Survival)
  3. It’s super odd that they did this, given that their last trailer at least had more… walking. I know it’ll be great still. Just wish we could see how they’re changing up the combat.
  4. I though the showing was a great example of what Playground’s tech can do. I’m sure the cutscenes will end up great if this is the barometer. I dig the style they’re going for. We still haven’t seen the game yet, really. Maybe we’re due by now. But I’m much more perplexed by Hellblade 2 doing the same thing at this point.
  5. I seem to remember Giant Bomb being very down on it on their podcast. Questioning where the fun was, and why they hated it when they liked Prey.
  6. Omno was excellent. I’ll definitely want to check this out once it’s done.
  7. Square Enix's sudsy shooter Foamstars could be onto something WWW.DESTRUCTOID.COM Square Enix is tackling team-based shooters with Foamstars, which has both neat ideas and unanswered questions.
  8. List of Easy Allies part one coverage: Giant Bomb also did their lengthy round table thing again with impressions across the industry. Guerrilla Collective has some demos on Steam front their showcase, though not too many: Guerrilla Collective 2023 STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Guerrilla Collective is a digital games showcase to reveal fresh announcements, trailers, gameplay, a Steam event page for wishlists, demos, game ordering, and more – bringing together many of the hottest developers and publishers from around the world! June 7th 2023 Biggest public demo drop from the Games Fest opener was Lies of P.
  9. Really wondering what's going to be playable there.
  10. Day of the Devs wasn't all that interesting this year, but this was probably the best thing.
  11. Persona 5 spin-off seems like an extension of the 3DS developer side of the company. It'd make sense.
  12. Rebirth could have helped a little, but wouldn't fix the fundamental problem.
  13. Looking around at other takes across the web, I don’t understand the positive reactions. Maybe I’m the outlier? I just know if Konami showed something this drab and vanilla for their new Silent Hill, they’d be eviscerated for it. To me, this was probably the worst AAA gameplay demonstration at a summer showcase since that Scalebound boss fight years back. It didn’t look actively unfun, and wasn’t ugly, but that’s the best I can say about it.
  14. I’m just going to say it as someone with no experience with the first game: this is no way to show gameplay for the first time. I don’t expect something super grandiose, and I realize it’s often a waste of resources. But there should be more creativity than walk to house, uh oh monster closet, shoot monster to show we RE now, go back to house and pick up item. Why demo a boring part of your game? What is that supposed to say about the rest of it?
  15. I'm really happy about a new 2D Price of Persia and Sega's new attempt at modern 2D Sonic. Sandland could be okay, I'm glad Bandi Namco isn't just doing another established anime property again. Banishers and Witchfire might end up being something worthwhile. Maybe we even see some of these playable, with honest-to-goodness hands on impressions from journalists??? This could have been much worse. If Sony actually delivered, we could have seen Dragon's Dogma 2, Talos Principle 2, Sword of the Sea, Ghostrunner 2, etc saved for this. It’s their fault, if anyone's.
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