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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. By that logic, Super Mario Kart is the best kart racer of all time. Dragon Quest 1 is the best JRPG of all time. Herzog Zwei is the best RTS of all time. Its more just a way the FGC chooses to look at things, IMO.
  2. I'm very glad I missed that final 3DS update and can still mod mine. Crazy how Nintendo rolled out that final patch to kill the fun when they're admitting that the platform is dead, dead. Just looked it up, apparently the "New" systems are still easily crackable. That's such a joke.
  3. Maybe there would have been a time I’d agree. But with where gaming is now, something that isn’t best ever in its class probably doesn’t deserve to be in a top 50. Unless being second or third best in a particular genre or franchise still gives it a ton of sway.
  4. Sure, but only when they still deserve to hang. Can we still say SF2 is the best fighting game ever? Or just the one with the most history attached? I’m kind of two minds there. Another example: I feel that the ‘timeless’ quality of Wind Waker is a bit of a cover. It’s stuck in a no man’s land between traditional 3D Zelda and BotW/ToTK, and doesn’t excel at either approach. But people get nostalgic for the visual style and story. You know which Zelda should be in its place? A Link Between Worids. I noticed LTTP was missing, but sacred cows be slaughtered, the 3DS game is better.
  5. As someone who adores both games, I’d be happier with the order swapped, but I’m not complaining. It’s just one spot.
  6. The Witness is a very Edge pick IMO. It’s a clever thing, but maybe not a very good game. Plus I found the movement is motion sickness inducing. Portal is a better pick, but definitely not top 10 to me. That said there are some cool picks on there. I could get behind Civ 2 and Slay the Spire belonging.
  7. While that's all very true, EA released Apex Legends the same month an Anthem, and eventually figured out how to satiate player demands for content there. There's huge risk/reward to live service games, and they all know it. They're even more acutely aware of it now. I don't think there's any magic formula, other than making a game that's continually fresh and exciting to play in spite of everything else out there. If the game can't be that, don't bother.
  8. That could come sooner rather than later with Games Pass proliferation. I think we'll eventually see it taken away from annual releases to something more homogenized.
  9. Its definitely its not sustainable for any game that can't carve out its own niche and keep it. There's also huge pressure to maintain the schedule. But when I think about AAA publishers these days, almost everyone's got at least one strong GaaS franchise that keeps churning on. The tipping point could apply most aptly to games like Fall Guys, that are more shallow by nature. Beyond that, I kinda feel that the GaaS games failing now would have also failed 5 years ago.
  10. Doing a straight up port of this game would have looked awful given the 3DS's limitations. Even then, it looks like some of the flat textures and low poly work has been preserved to keep the game's 'look' in essence. Its not as impressive as it could be considering. (ie: LM3) We're likely not getting LM1 because Next Level already did a port of it to 3DS not so long ago. Its modernized there, but also a mixed bag visually.
  11. @Kal-El814 It's telling how quickly he jumps from saying there should be multiple interpretations, to insisting on there being a better interpretation, to 'I am' meaning something totally different in Jesus' words than is commonly accepted. He doesn't address the particular grammatical context that Jesus uses it in John 8:58, leaving the 'I am" to answer itself. Instead, he asserts Jesus would have surely been more specific if he wanted to speak as a divine person, as in Exodus 3:6 ("I am the God of Jacob," etc). Nevermind that it is stated circularly and self-defining a few verses later in Exodus 3:14, which is where the Jewish understanding of God as Yahweh originates. All this in effort to argue that Jesus only claims himself as an "authorized possessor" of God's name, thereby not actually implying he existed before Abraham as stated. Huge reach. And impossible to reasonably reconcile with John 17:5, I'd say. I won't bother with the rest. But generally speaking, there is a much greater burden to argue that Jesus never claimed his divinity in the NT, given the sheer amount of re-framing work that would be required, even beyond the 'I am' verses. And it has to be air tight, not leaky.
  12. Gerudo Temple is done. Quite good by ToTK/BoTW standards, and maybe the closest to a normal Zelda dungeon. It still was a bit on the small side, especially considering the massive look of the structure. Gotta consider how quickly I want to wrap this game up. The sky is almost complete, but, I've got most of the South-West region still to explore. Plus a buttload of light roots.
  13. They can do whatever they want with Fortnite, their publishing arm and the rest. I just hope the free games gravy train isn't coming to an end.
  14. Just doing the Gerudo stuff myself right now. Taking my sweet time with this game.
  15. Trüberbrook on GOG.com WWW.GOG.COM »Trüberbrook« is a thrilling mystery-sci-fi adventure game. Enjoy an adventurous
  16. Awesome Indies from Humble Games WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Get an eclectic mix of Humble Games titles, including Moonscars, UNSIGHTED, Dodgeball Academia, and more. Pay what you want & support Direct Relief! $5 tier Ring of Pain (own it) Ikenfell Fae Tactics $10 tier Void Bastards (own it) Unsighted Archvale Flynn: Son of Crimson $14 tier Moonscars The Wild at Heart Dodgeball Academia I already have the two I mentioned, plus tried a demo of Dodgeball Academia, which is an awesome little throwback to the GBC Mario Tennis/Golf games. Anyone tried any of the others? Might pull the trigger on some of these depending on how the latest Choice looks next week. There's also a narrative based bundle that might also be good? Control the Narrative WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Make the story yours with this bundle of choice-driven narrative games! Embark on 8 distinct narrative adventures & support the National Videogame Museum and your favorite charity.
  17. One of my least fav lead Sony execs over the years. Probably have him to thank for putting Sony’s games on PC. But he’s going to be remembered for the Activision Blizzard debacle.
  18. It’s not “just like” console timed exclusives. In one case you download a new free launcher, in the other, you spend hundreds on another box that’s largely redundant to what you already have. Sony’s only viewed differently today for it because the terms of engagement have changed. Timed exclusives have always been rotten buisness, and will continue to be, especially on competing consoles. But it’s also a short sighted strategy that left them with egg on their face with Besthesda. They’d do ‘better’ in the current landscape to save those dollars for buying developers outright. And if their aquired studio goes sour, they can still shut them down EA or Embracer style, so that the competition still can’t have them and their IP gets locked up. Fun times.
  19. I’m could be the outlier here, but I don’t think any of the platform holders offer a 30%-cut worthy benefit to most developers. Maybe for those that are multiplayer centric, and rely on the backend and cheat protections the platform holders create. For everyone else, it’s a necessary evil. The fact that Valve cuts the highest grossing games a sweetheart deal shows how little they care about the little guy. Console manufacturers traditionally justify it by providing devs access to the living room. But their methods of nickel and dimming their bases have gotten out of control. And indies are being offered less of that share: Weaker subscription deals have hit indie publishers, says analyst WWW.GAMESINDUSTRY.BIZ Sign up for the GI Daily here to get the biggest news straight to your inbox Smaller subscription deals and the underpe… I don’t love the EGS, but I’m not as opposed to them being a bigger player as the rest of you it seems. I don’t really care if Valve’s dominance is tested or not. But I do think alternatives where more AA and indies could succeed would be good, and GoG and itch.io just won’t cut it.
  20. Like Bethesda, you’ll see the results of this work in Microsoft’s favor eventually. And yours, if Games Pass access is what you’re prioritizing. It’s going to take some time though.
  21. I can believe it. Think of how many people traditionally buy into consoles in the late gen, after price drops. Microsoft was 100% correct to say that with price drops going away, this audience was underserved. In some ways, it’s more surprising that they haven’t made greater inroads on Sony because of it. That could very well be because of Nintendo’s successes at the low end. Or the $400 PS5 Digital. Either way, I’m glad Microsoft has woken up to the idea that Nintendo is an earnest competitor, even if it’s mainly been to make certain arguments in court. They should be concerned about Switch 2 at this point. Come to think of it, I’d be more than okay with the next Series S having a handheld form factor. But it sounds like Microsoft’s xCloud ambitions are getting in the way of that.
  22. Imagine a console running the Matrix demo at 4k/60fps. It’s the wrong barometer. If it doesn’t look as trashy as Immortals of Aveum on console, I’d be quite impressed. Even at 30fps, which is where the PS5/Series consoles attempted to run the Matrix demo. Though there’s likely been optimizations since for Nintendo to show it off.
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