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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I do like how the light roots tell you where shrines are on the surface. That part of it at least is great design.
  2. Dragon Tears are probably worth it for the story bits. I’m like at double that Shrine count and still not done with the game yet. The depths are the part that doesn’t interest me in seeing through. Sure, there’s some cool things down there, in parts, but its still mostly just searching for light roots and zonite farming. All the cosmetic stuff is starting to remind me of Jedi Fallen Order in a way. It’s cool, but so much of it is needless. Maybe they should have done battery upgrades differently.
  3. People love Dead Cells as well. On my backlog, one day a I’ll get around to it.
  4. Super Mario RPG The Secret of Monkey's Island LocoRoco Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (+ DLC) ... I still kinda prefer the first game's story beats, but XB3 is the best overall package. Even more with the Future Redeemed DLC, for those who rode the series out.
  5. I feel that way about some franchises as well and am abstaining. Pokémon is a big one. It’s fun, but I can’t bring myself to give it any recognition on a list like this. Bomberman is like that for me as well. I love the Hudson 3D games especially, but they’re not top 100 material. Ubisoft Prince of Persia games as well.
  6. No one's said Metroid Prime yet? Metroid Prime. Same for og Final Fantasy 7. Even though I still think the remake (part 1) is one of the better JRPGs out there. Slay the Spire Mega Man 2
  7. N64 additions: Star Fox 64 Banjo Kazooie Ogre Battle 64… actually no to that one on second thought. It’s an amazing game, but it’s just too blurry to tolerate anymore on any level.
  8. When we do the actual voting, I could have everyone post their top 10 list and spoiler tag the rest.
  9. It’s nominations for a later thread, so being comprehensive is the point. Thanks!
  10. There will never be consensus. In my view, it's more about learning the tastes of others here, and sparking some discussion of the games themselves. Especially since non-current games aren't always a hot topic here. Perfectly fine to opt out.
  11. Oh, and if there’s a substantially different remake (ie: RE4R, FF7R), you should probably distinguish.
  12. I’ll throw Hades, Skies of Arcadia, Mario Galaxy 2 and Inside into the ring for now.
  13. Let’s make our own list. This is for nominations only. Meaning no rankings attached. Read other posts to avoid duplicate submissions whenever possible. As I said in the Edge thread, I’m thinking we also do a 50 (or more) under-appreciated list of games that don’t end up charting that gets weighted a bit differently. Commence with the name dropping.
  14. I'd be interested in what parameters we'd use. I like the idea of doing an open nomination thread first, before voting, of what games should belong on a top 100. Submitting a 100 games vote after would probably be the best, but there's a huge temptation to push pet games higher on your personal list to give them a better chance to chart. Partly why I'd advocate for using this. Maybe we could make an honorary second list of the best 50 games that didn't chart, with brownie points for less mentions. Because we're heartless bastards.
  15. Totally with Bacon here. One thing I’ll add is that recency bias can also make evaluating new games difficult, especially within franchises. Too many people are inclined to think more content = better. There’s no truer example of this in my mind than Smash, which keeps sacrificing general responsiveness to make up for bad netcode. A lot of open world and racing games probably fall into the mix here as well, piling on in ways that aren’t always for the best.
  16. I'm still partial to the way DS handles. One of those games I can fire up and just have a blast with any time. 8 is great as well, naturally.
  17. I really like this site, its the most intuitive way I've found to make an earnest list for yourself. Maybe we could pull together a larger list based on results generated there after some nominations.
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