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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. FF7 Integrade. Beat the Fort Condor mini-game and had a lot of fun with it, even if it was just a mobile-inspired moba lite thing.
  2. Wait, so they're patching the game for performance days after a second demo? This kind of thing makes me just want to wait for the launch.
  3. As I’ve said before, they’ll price this thing something awful. The worst part is it might not even be worth that price. Sony made some big strides with AMD with the PS4 Pro, so much so that it ushered in the future of rendering in many ways. That’s likely not happening again with what NVIDIA has brought to the table. I was once apprehensive about buying a PS5, because I thought games would stress the spec too much once a Pro model arrived, and beforehand with RT and UE5. That’s already been a problem, especially with games relying on FSR2. I almost waited for this. But now, I feel I’d be crazy not to spend money on a $1k rig as opposed to a $600 or $700 AMD console. Keep the old PS5 for stutterstruggle games, get a Switch 2 for Nintendo, play everything else on PC. Including Sony’s stuff.
  4. It’s always been that way for Nintendo if I’m mistaken, going back to Yamauchi. They’d rather sit on cash to weather storms. Maybe because their business is not as diversified as their competitors.
  5. Mario Odyssey could be a great choice to get you out of a funk. I’m having fun personally just exploring my indie backlog at the moment.
  6. Or wait until there’s a sale like Mar10 day before spending $60 on games several years old.
  7. Japan: Nintendo is the richest company with over $11 billion in cash MYNINTENDONEWS.COM Nintendo is currently the richest company in The Land of the Rising Sun with an exorbitant 1.7186 trillion yen which is around $11.44 billion. This new data is according to Toyo Keiza…
  8. Yes, and with Switch they found a way they didn’t have to. It starts with a solid game people want at the launch.
  9. This argument was used against Nintendo when the 3DS launched. The Switch decisively dispelled the idea that they would fade into irrelevancy with the rise of smart phones and tablets. If Switch costs were a hard pill to swallow, Nintendo wouldn’t be succeeding and thriving. Sort of like asking why Disney is still relevant to kids today. Bringing new kids in is at the core of their buisness, and they make moves to ensure they’re part of the conversation and public consciousness. And any platform that sells as well as Switch is going to slow down eventually. How long has it been now?
  10. Not if the person is buying it for Nintendo exclusives, or prioritizes a child friendly ecosystem. The Switch doesn’t even have an internet browser. I don’t think Nintendo competes in a vacuum, but this is an area where an apples to apples comparison with more powerful consoles, largely marketed on M-rated games and released well after the Switch launched, just doesn’t work. And arguably, there’s never been more of a reason to own a Nintendo something with Sony and Microsoft’s attitudes towards exclusivity shifting. PC + Nintendo appears to be the most sound choice right now.
  11. Probably would have been a bit higher, but maybe not so much that it would make sense. Certainly not when compared to the impact of the Switch Lite as a low entry model. Look at their game prices and their meager discounts. No one is saying they’re fools for charging what they do.
  12. Intergrade is short, and Fort Condor is a fun little diversion. No reason to skip it based on what I’ve played so far. Like the rest of the package, it’s free if you preorder Rebirth.
  13. For it to be manslaughter, a law would need to be on the books to warrant miscarriage/failed implantation/etc as criminally negligent homicide with enough directness for culpability. Ultimately, its part of our reproductive biology: humans can and often do die in the early stages of development. An embryo may not implant. Miscarriages happen. Many people don't decide to sympathize with it as a child at these points. Which is okay, as long as that perspective isn't turned back around into an argument against nature. As for control, you'd truly have to ban unprotected sex to be consistent with the manslaughter idea. And you basically doom your society with that in theory. Which is unhinged, but also not a pro-life argument. I could also draw an analogy to doctors who perform life saving procedures. There's a high burden of proof to be charged with malpractice if they lose a patient. If they can be legally protected, for good reason, I don't see how it makes sense to go after women who suffer a miscarriage. Anyways, I’ll be bowing out here because of the past. Just wanted to offer this perspective.
  14. I’d recommend it to superfans willing to overlook the bad story and poor chatacters/characterizations. Gameplay is fun, but highly repetitive. Plus I wouldn’t wait to play Rebirth if you haven’t gotten around to Crisis Core yet.
  15. I’d recommend watching the ending of Crisis Core Reunion on YouTube. Don’t play it, but that should be enough to illustrate the basics. That goes for Best too.
  16. Did you play the original FF7? If you didn’t, it might explain a bit, but you can’t take back the ending relying on knowledge of characters and events you don’t know to make its point. But I’ll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible without expounding on those bits:
  17. I expect @best3444 to have a negative reaction to the ending. It requires knowledge of the original game’s events to be reasonably understood, and even then, there’s more than a little theory crafting about what it means. Not even just what it will mean.
  18. Never played much of the Genesis original, but I really like what the now defunct Sega Studios Australia did here. It's like the inverse of Crash: mostly 2D platforming sections with occasional 3D, especially in boss fights. I really like the feel of the 3D sections here actually, and wish they could have had more. I'd take a whole 3D platformer with these controls as the baseline. It's short, but that's actually a great thing. Just when the stage templates start to wear a little thin in a level, it ends. And there's only 2 levels per zone, with the 3rd being a boss fight. There's a good sense of dynamism to the camera angle as well, which helps make up for any of the visual shortcomings that show its budget. If there's one obvious negative, it's the hit detection. Enemies seem to have hurt boxes that extend to the left and right of them. So if you don't bop them exactly on the head, you could get hurt by their backside and front side. It's not a hard game, but that can dampen the fun at times. There's also more than a few occasions where you can't see the platforms below the screen keeping you from bottomless pits, maybe the camera was pulled too far in. 7.5/10 2024 Games Final Fantasy XVI - 8.5/10 Tinykin - 8/10 Evan's Remains - 7.5/10 Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion - 7/10 Castle of Illusion Remake - 7.5/10
  19. Time Spent: 20 minutes Rating: **½ A 2d platformer that follows a similar structure to a game like Minit. Instead of having a limited time for trial and error, the differing paths lead to different endings. I'm guessing there's a true ending out there, but you'll be restarting from the same place over and over, which games like Minit avoid by giving you new checkpoints in the world. You do however begin as new characters with different abilities like a higher jump as the old ones die, so that seems to be a form of progression. Overall, it's alright? Not a bad time, but kind of unremarkable as the look of it.
  20. I'm glad I'll be too engrossed in FF7 Rebirth to be tempted to play any my Switch games soon. Hopefully we hear something more substantiated soon about how it can improve existing games.
  21. I think of back porting before these PC policies changed as something different. On Microsoft's end, I'd love to play Lost Odyssey on PC personally, but would need to resort to emulation. And I get it. Though I do expect more older Sony games to come, since there's a more substantive back catalog left, but it'd happen mostly through the likes of Nixxes and such when they catch a breather. Future games, I expect pretty much everything Sony releases to come to PC at some point. Things are already looking great if you have the patience to wait a bit. Nothing is likely to stay only on PS5. Phil's comments on the 5 to 10 year thing are more of what he'd hope to see going forward. If he's right, it'd probably be because Valve enters the ring in a meaningful way, which would make withholding any franchise from a rival console in a permanent way hypocritical.
  22. Time Spent: 1 hour Rating: ***½ 2d mini-golf roguelike course with obstacles and power-ups that give you more shots and special abilities. The music is particularly great, it really gives that catchy 16-bit sports game vibe. Golf-wise, it has the smart idea of letting you reset the power of your shot. You only lock it in when you pick your angle, which works like egg throwing in Yoshi's Island. It's just enough friction to work and make you still sweat your shots. The only thing I'm a little skeptical of is the balance of the "ace cards" you collect. Some of them seem a lot more pointless than others, such as the practice shot card. And 18 holes feels like a lot, especially if its hard enough to not beat on the first run.
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