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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I'm sure there's some must buys I already have, but overall, it's really kind of lackluster. Not very many firesale indie games at all. Same goes for retail. I might do better to wait until the winter. Firewatch for $5 seems to be the highlight.
  2. If I had the time today, I would.
  3. The 4k games of today are not the 4k games of next-gen. Simply focusing on the CPU would only go so far as the demands of modern games go higher. The machine you're describing would be the equivalent of a PS4/Xbox One 'Minus' in its generation. You really wouldn't want that shit.
  4. https://store.steampowered.com/
  5. There's no way they stick with the X1X's gpu with any new console that isn't a revision. In 5 years, it'd feel more antiquated/bottlenecked than OG Xbox One's are now. Gotta account for the next-gen's visual leap.
  6. I bought Mario & Rabbids with the DK DLC for $44. Might give that a try at some point.
  7. https://beta.icons.gg/ Official Early Access release is July 12th. Yeah, I've been enjoying the hell out of this. It's a blast to play, the netcode is great, and the F2P systems seem well implemented so far. Characters and cosmetics will be unlockable by playing, or you can pay $25 for immediate access to all fighters present and future. Highly recommended it to anyone who's ever enjoyed Smash, or wants to see what the fuss is about without commitment. I think it already plays better than most of them, especially online. (/leaner thread for new boards)
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