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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Other than in Japan, no, not really. But it is the first review.
  2. Another thing, did you all touch on the C&C mobile game from EA? That was definitely an egg-on-their face moment. That alone makes their conference worse than last years. I'd rather watch 20 minutes of Pele than see a dormant franchise get desecrated like that. Although those cuts to the CG trailer were admittedly hilarious.
  3. While Nintendo dropped the ball this year, there was practically no discussion of the first half of their show: Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Daemon x Machina, Super Mario Party, Xenoblade 2's standalone DLC, etc. None of that excuses the no shows, of course. Or the heavy emphasis on Smash if you aren't interested. Still, gotta get some better Nintendo representation on the podcast next time.
  4. Famitsu: 9/9/9/9 https://nintendoeverything.com/famitsu-review-scores-7-3-18-octopath-traveler/
  5. Chrono.gg has this in their coin shop right now. I've got the credits. Anyone interested in a trade? Was thinking $8 via Paypal, so I could pick up Hyper Light Drifter or Pyre.
  6. It's free, has a Toy Story vibe, and I loved Life is Strange ... but the look and sound of it hasn't motivated me to try it. Someone here able to vouch for it?
  7. Icons Combat Arena next month. DQXI later this year. Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Tunic and Megaman 11 in 2019. As always, most of my most wanted games are last year's indie highlights that haven't been bundled quite yet.
  8. Splatoon was the only other shooter, technically. If you wanted deathmatch on the go, it was a serviceable option. Now that Fortnite, Paladins, etc are on Switch, there isn't as much of a niche to fill.
  9. Doom at least had multiplayer. I could see that being a draw for portability, considering the competition at the time.
  10. If we get anything for a while, it'll might just be another indie game showcase. Which I'm cool with.
  11. Rogue Leader will always hold up as a game that oozes Star Wars. Why did Factor 5 have to die?
  12. Still is one of the better roguelikes. And does scratch that Castlevania itch a bit.
  13. I love it. All of it. Thanks so much!
  14. Final Open Beta weekend was announced. It'll be playable this Wednesday too. After this week, it won't go live again until the Early Access launch on July 12th.
  15. Then buy the other 4! Teslagrad for $1 is one of the best deals of the sale IMO. That's a damn good game.
  16. Since I'm not finding much for myself this time, here's a short list of sub $5 great games at (or near) historical lows I think are a steal: Teslagrad - $0.99 Rivals of Aether - $4.49 Bastion - $3.74 Beyond Good & Evil - $1.31 The Tower of Deadly Monsters - $2.99 Life is Strange Complete - $4.99 Psychonauts - $1.49 Rogue Legacy - $2.99 The Swapper - $2.84 Tomb Raider - $2.99 (you really don't need the GOTY edition) Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - $4.99 Half Minute Hero 1 + 2 - $2.49 Sonic Generations - $4.99
  17. Bought The Witness on an impulse. My gf loves those kinds of puzzles, it's pretty enjoyable so far.
  18. I bought Bloodborne, Ratchet and TLoU Remastered for much cheaper than that already. Either digital (without PS+ discount), or new at retail. So this almost feels like a price bump. Might as well throw Uncharted Collection in the mix.
  19. I always cheer on acquisitions like this. Whiners be damned, competition is good. And honestly, it's better for it to be Microsoft than anyone else, for a multitude of reasons.
  20. I don't buy new releases much anymore. But I am looking forward to DQ11, Octopath, RDR2, Smash, LiS2 and Spiderman. Icons as well, but I've already been playing it. Inevitably that's going to get more playtime from me than Smash.
  21. Icons this weekend. Got some props from a developer tonight.
  22. Haven't played it, but I know people are enjoying both. Slap City is a little more casual in spirit, but doubles down on some unintuitive technical things (L-Canceling) oddly enough. Since Icons is free, it should have the larger player base and more longevity as a result.
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