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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I'd disagree, but my own diatribe could be involved as well for how many more generations I'd want to cover. Wouldn't be worth it either. This gen is not even over yet. I think this conversation might be better saved for then.
  2. Yup. To say it now just feels premature to me. I haven't seen many PS4/XBO games lauded as 'best in class' other than Witcher 3, and maybe Bloodborne and Forza Horizon 3. At least outside of highly iterative genres (ie: racing sims, sports sims). Or new ones like Battle Royale and Survival. It's much harder to make the best X type of game ever these days. Considering there is so much history to compare to. For example: As much as I enjoy a game like Ori & the Blind Forest, there's still a handful of older Metroidvanias I'd recommend ahead of it.
  3. There's no doubt in my mind that this gen will end up being one of the greats. There's a good chance I'll put it over last-gen too, on the whole. Even with my issues with the microtransactions and how open-world focused certain publishers like Ubisoft have become. But the way mikechorney framed this, it isn't just about this gen vs the last. It's if the PS4/XB1's output has resulted in the the best "video games in almost every genre. " In other words: What genres have the PS4/XB1 crowned a new king in? A lot of them, or only a few? He's also excluded the Switch in that, btw.
  4. I think it's relevant to question if there's been a better FPS than Bioshock this gen, a better survival horror game than The Last of Us, a better open world game than Red Dead Redemption, and so on. And that's just looking back one generation ago. Since you said backwards compatibility/remakes don't apply, those are fair questions now. Consequently, this is much bigger than niche or largely dead genres. As for games getting better on the whole, there are some objective improvements, such as visuals, framerate and AI. But most everything else will be subjective, and varies title by title. There's also negatives that can be leveraged against generation's tendency towards open world bloat and questionable microtransactions. I don't think I'm in a great position to give my verdict about this gen just yet, but those things will definitely be discussed in hindsight.
  5. Sure. Those, and more popular ones today like FPSs, survival horror, RPGs, platformers, metroidvanias, etc. It's wide open for debate. Games have gotten graphically prettier this gen and bigger in scope, but that's not always going to be enough to better the previous few gens' highlights.
  6. Chrono Trigger wouldn't look the same if released today for $60, so the point is moot. Regardless, it wouldn't need to in order to get attention. See Undertale. And if backwards compatibility or remasters don't count, there's a whole lot more genres that could be contented: survival horror, FPS, arcade sports, etc.
  7. Again, are you counting backwards compatible games? I wouldn't say 2d platformers, arcade racers, etc are super-specific or dead subgenres. As for Chrono Trigger, it is one of the best RPGs of all time. That game is a timeless classic, and it'd be silly to hold that against it because of when it came out. The game still holds up wonderfully, as many 16-bit games do. I'd say similar things about Radiant Historia actually. And that game still looked outdated as a DS game on release. I think you're putting too much emphasis on modern technology, but that's just me.
  8. Unless we're counting backwards compatibility and ports, that's very debatable, IMO. All the more considering that sevearal of Nintendo's games could be considered best-of's in more than a few genres. (ie: SMB3, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Galaxy 2, F-Zero GX, etc) Others like Starcraft and Chrono Trigger too, which can't be played on PS4/XB1.
  9. The more I think about it, I'd be more interested in this as a straight up action game. I think the suits look incredibly fun to fly around in, but the implications of bullet spounge enemies and co-op loot grinding has little appeal to me. I don't know if I'd want Bioware making it, in either case.
  10. Brawlhalla stats: Top 25, almost beat out HL2 in downloads. Icons will do gangbusters. Or maybe just steal from that audience. Either way, Brawlhalla is huge for what it is.
  11. First game I played after the Steam Sale. Really enjoying it so far, although the first area doesn't seem to do much different than most Metroidvania's. Just finished that part last night.
  12. Most of my best memories with the og Xbox centered around modding it. Being able to stream videos to your TV on it in a time before HDMI cables and Netflix streaming was magical. And it was the best possible emulation machine for many years too. I played a lot of Lucas Arts adventure games from the couch with it. My favorite games for the system proper were PD Orta and Ninja Gaiden Black. Got some fond memories of Halo splitscreen too.
  13. No doubt. But as I said, she doesn't seem to know how to handle to criticism. She reached for the misogyny card because she couldn't handle the pressure of having her work scrutinized by a public commentator. I don't think she picked this battle consciously. She overreacted in the heat of the moment, for her. Just like she did when she spat on Total Biscut's grave.
  14. Of course that was her too, lol. She just sounds like a person who doesn't know how to respond to criticism.
  15. That's strange to hear actually. I forget that not everyone grew up hogging the landline with a 56k modem to play Starcraft and Diablo. But not even some flash game multiplayer stuff?
  16. Most of the best NES JRPGs never made it here until later. Final Fantasy IIIj in particular was stellar for its time. I've never played DQ4 and 3, but I hear they were also great.
  17. No, the NES began the greatness of JRPGs and SNES took it to the next level. Especially at the end of its lifecycle. PSX had many amazing JRPGs, of course. They're just a little less streamlined and more bloated on the whole than FF6, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Terranigma, Secret of Mana 2, etc.
  18. I haven't finished yet, so I can't judge it completely. It's a lot more clever of a game than most of the 'hard' platformers out there. Both in mechanics and puzzles. I also might like it better than Shovel Knight, if that means anything. But overrated? Probably. It's mostly the 10/10 from IGN that propelled it to that status.
  19. The Vita must have also been a slap to Sony's face. It flopped about as hard as the Wii U, in terms of hardware sales.
  20. Huh, you're right. I must have been confusing it with the DSi's lack of GBA compatibility.
  21. This is the correct answer. It's pretty much the Playstation 2 of handhelds. I never traded in my XL for the *New* models for that reason.
  22. Yes, we do. Maybe you just made the right arbitrary choices when you played.
  23. It's good that a "balance update" is being featured, because my time with the game pre-balance was miserable. In any case, the design doesn't really work IMO. Oregon Trail was fun because of how quickly you could start over a poor run. Spreading that design out over a campaign-sized game was a bad idea, and made worse by the choose-your-own-adventure style twists that resulted in dead party members and a starving caravan. The plot or combat couldn't carry it either. Bosses can be killed in one shot, with your one arrow, which you have to retrieve if you miss. That's the game. I'm glad someone tried it. Even if the combat appealed more to the masochist in me, the game does suffer from being a boss gauntlet. It would have been much better if it had some kind of padding, which would have helped familiarize you with the controls and mechanics. I love everything about the controls in Dustforce. It's got plenty of style as well. But once the fresh and cool factor wears off, it's a pretty hollow experience. Why not give me something to dodge? To bop on the head? To run from? The minimalist approach doesn't quite pay off. Playing Celeste recently reinforced to me how much Dustforce left on the table.
  24. Pyre Firewatch Hollow Knight Hyper Light Drifter The Witness Higher average for each game than I'm used to. I actually spent ~$2 in real money. Glad you took my recommendation. Best $1 game this sale outside of Portal / HL2.
  25. Don't you mean the HD transition? It's the 360/PS3 generation where they struggled with their identity / focused on portables.
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