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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Final Fantasy is pseudo-orchestral. I wonder what this author would think about the uproar over the DQXI soundtrack.
  2. So where the hell is Spiderman on Target's website? I'd want to pre-order Smash Ultimate and get that, but it doesn't seem possible.
  3. Those are personal projections. Probably not indicative of the market itself. The title is fine, not retail poison by any means. And even if Zombie Fatigue was a real thing, not just a theory, Capcom Vancouver and Telltale left some holes open for others to fill.
  4. They were giving away free t-shirts to anyone who beat the horde.
  5. I agree, but I'd say the same about most big budget retail games these days. Days Gone won't reinvent the wheel. It'll be an open world game. Perhaps with a slightly more linear narrative thread, or larger focus on dynamic events / AI routines outside of towns. But still, an open world game. The horde is a pretty strong distinguishing factor though, IMO. It's a horror fantasy that hasn't been done justice yet in an open world setting. The numbers are as big as they should be to pull it off. They say they can spawn it anywhere, have it chase you clear across the map, and claim you can lure it into attacking other enemy AI en masse. I honestly don't think the game has to be all that great to sell, so long as it nails that aspect. They deserve major props if this isn't smoke & mirrors. Or to be shunned if it is.
  6. Was funny seeing people jump to conclusions but it is Nintendo's fault for not getting the message right in the first place.
  7. Feb 22nd is a brutal release day, but Days Gone's viewer metrics have been very strong. It's tailored to hit a mainstream audience. Should do fine. Crackdown 3 is the game that really needs to move.
  8. Larger stage presentation: Japanese journalist taking on the horde:
  9. Don't forget DLSS. Essentially a superior form of checkerboarding that is better at faking 4k, with none of the artifacts. Issue is, no games use it yet.
  10. ... So 50 hours in, I just reached a big turning point. It's ironic how much this game functions like another JRPG classic. But I really liked the twist there too, so I can't complain. Getting ready for the good times to continue!
  11. I'm going to give a crack at that, just to see. Honestly curious: 1. Zelda OoT 2. Zelda MM 3. Mario 64 4. Starfox 64 5. Paper Mario 6. Super Smash Bros 64 7. Ogre Battle 64 8. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 9. Mario Tennis 64 10. Mischief Makers 11. Mario Party 2 12. Bomberman 64 13. Sin & Punishment 14. Wave Race 64 15. Bomberman 64: The Second Attack 16. Mario Party 3 17. F-Zero X 18. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards 19. Rayman 2: The Great Escape 20. Goemon's Great Adventure 21. Diddy Kong Racing (might not happen) 22. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (not likely) 23. Banjo Kazooie (not likely) 24. Banjo-Tooie (not likely) 25. Perfect Dark (not likely) 26. Conker's Bad Fur Day (lol) 27. Goldeneye 007 (hell freezes over) 28-31. Any AKI wrestler (hell freezes over) Those first 20 could be a fantastic line-up IMO. Some of the others on that list are essential too, but would sadly be a bonus if we got them. I don't think DK64, Yoshi's Story, Mario Kart 64 and others would be very essential today, but could easily be given a spot. A few by 3rd parties could also steal spots (a Crusin', a Turok, a Rush, etc)
  12. For the last time, it's not the same degree of setting reductions or resolution dips. With that card, you wouldn't be sacrificing as much to reach the target. You refuse to weigh that, so whatever. I'm done.
  13. Did you hook it up to a CRT? Wouldn't fix everything, but it definitely looks worse hooked up to modern TVs.
  14. There are a few 3rd party gems on there though. Everyone should play Mischef Makers and Ogre Battle 64. Bomberman 64 and The Second Attack are also very clever, enjoyable games. The two Goemon games are crack ups, in the best way possible. The first one was essentially OoT before OoT, and still is one of the better Zelda-likes. I'd consider those the essentials. But there's some other fun stuff too, like the AKI wrestlers, Gretskys, Rogue Squadron, etc. So much of that is licensed though.
  15. In its day, that's definitely true. But I think a lot of 3d N64 games have aged quite gracefully for the gen they were in. Not only that, but often hold up in emulation better, since there wasn't as much reliance on pre-rendered backdrops.
  16. Like the Playstation classic, it'd depend on the games for me. If Rare games aren't on the thing...
  17. Overall, still not as good as Games Pass. And likely won't be without the promise of newer PS4 games. But it is $20 less annually and does support the PC with stream-play. It's funny how both Microsoft and Sony are being total dickheads about their prior subscriptions. Microsoft says you can pay for Games Pass, but still can't access online multiplayer without Gold. Sony says you don't need PS Plus for online play with Now, but must be a Plus subscriber to have parity with your downloaded/streamed game saves. And by parity, I mean a convoluted mess where little is automated:
  18. I'm probably jumping the gun here, but since that video said that lower resolutions work too ... what about DLSS in a Switch successor? I can dream.
  19. This is absolutely huge. I've been wanting checkerboarding options in more PC games for a long time. Seems like I'm getting more than what I asked for.
  20. The framerate you'll encounter most often in the game. That isn't arbitrary. And I never said anything about lowered settings/resolution being unacceptable on the X1X. On the contrary, it's a good thing to make compromises where needed. I've got no problem calling the X1X a 4k30 console, thank you. Many games do hit that on average, even some AAA ones. Several more come close enough to it to make it splitting hairs, or use reconstruction techniques like checkerboarding to reach it. That's all good enough for me. This card is better equipped to hit 4k60 in games today than the X1X to its target, but you still have a hang up for some reason. I would have no beef with that if you could admit the X1X isn't 4k30 by the criteria you're choosing to evaluate the 2080ti.
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