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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. All that leaves is Halo 5 and MCC. Every other XB1 notable is now on PC, if I'm not mistaken. Sunset Overdrive was one of those games I may have eventually bought the console to try. That and ReCore were the two that appealed most to me. (Ori was always coming to PC) Can't wait until 360 games start hitting the PC, if the rumors are to believed.
  2. I'm down with the adventure mode. That's what I need to feel good about pre-ordering. Now here's to hoping the online doesn't suck.
  3. ALBW is essential, particularly for being the only 'traditional' Zelda without dungeon items. It should only be $20, you might find it cheaper used.
  4. They'll put their C teams on the platform. Maybe port more Gamecube games and remaster DS titles. It's fine. I do think Nintendo has a point about the 3DS's portability. It's a clam shell design, small and cheap, which is automatically better for kids. I just don't want them to make a 3DS successor. ... I would take a new Advanced Wars on the 3DS. I don't want to play that series without a stylus.
  5. https://www.dayonepatch.com/topic/2282-ea-jumps-on-board-the-cloud-streaming-bandwagon/
  6. Just finished DQXI. 112 hours going by the game clock. That's the full game, not the 'main' part, which can be reached 30-40 hours sooner. Plus every major post-game thing except for the combat arena. Very impressive game overall. The production values are excellent, battles stayed engaging, and the localization is superb. There's only a few parts I'd consider less than stellar: mainly the dungeons and a few of the optional post game quests. The latter wouldn't be a problem in most games, but with the way DQXI sets it up, it's disappointing to see some of it half-baked. Some sections, like Octogonia, do feel like they got proper justice. The story also feels like it's own thing in spite of JRPG tropes. DQXI's application of them feels a fresh, which is more important IMO. Some really great foreshadowing too. It doesn't beat you over the head with it, which is nice. It's a shame there's a few too many plot holes. I haven't seen the internet bring this one up yet: I'd still put Xenoblade 2 over it for my favorite JRPG this gen. It takes about as long to see through to the end, but the payoff is better. DQXI has a fun cast though, and better pacing on the whole. You could stop at hour 70-80 and still feel like you played a classic. Then get to play through a massive, story-critical expansion to it for free.
  7. 'You snooze you lose' is apt here. It doesn't matter if widespread adoption would be soon or not. Too many other big names are jumping on the bandwagon. Everyone who gets in now will have a head start in install base and mindshare.
  8. Like any other cloud service, the infrastructure is an investment to make more money. They'll recoup it with subscriptions, added microtransaction profits, royalities earned from other games on their service, etc.
  9. It makes perfect sense. 0% royalties. That's also why this will be such a mess. The major publishers are looking for ways to circumvent the console manufacturers and Valve. Not buddy up to them. This is the opportunity they've been waiting for. I'm sure some deals will be cut, but by and large, this will be a wild west. Next gen, I won't be surprised if we start seeing stream-only betas and timed exclusive DLC to the cloud (or relevant subscription service).
  10. Much more in the link, including Crackdown 3-esque claims, possibilities of outsourcing their cloud stuff (ie: working with partners): https://medium.com/@Electronic_Arts/announcing-project-atlas-a-vision-for-a-cloud-native-gaming-future-d58ef77f74db
  11. I much prefer my list (below). No DK64 or Pokemon Stadium wasting space. No controller destroying Mario Party. More and better 3rd party games. Less wasted on Rare games unlikely to happen, or that have received higher-res ports.
  12. Twisted Metal 1 instead of 2 seems like the worst choice here. The first game is pretty bad. Including DK64 is how you make people unhappy. Most of that game is a straight up chore.
  13. It's probably closer to 60-80 hours for DQXI's main game. But the post-game content is still the critical path.
  14. Wow, this deal is perfect for me. I don't have any of the bottom and mid tiers, but already have Hyper Light Drifter. Minit can wait.
  15. BoTW isn't my favorite 3d Zelda. But there's as much puzzles in there as Majora's Mask or Wind Waker all said and done. It's just more spread out over the world. It's not really a 'make your own fun' sort of game, though it can be.
  16. There's already great stuff on the system already to dig into first. Zelda BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and Mario & Rabbids are fantastic. Haven't gotten around to Octopath Traveller, Splatoon 2 or Mario Tennis yet, but those are supposed to be solid too. Nintendo's DLC has also been spot on this generation. There's plenty of that go around as well, if you enjoy those games. Same goes for Wii U ports, if you missed that console. (DK:TF is a must) For future exclusives: The Leon brought up Yoshi. There's also proper Pokemon and Animal Crossing games on the way.
  17. You can't be blamed for that. I'm at 100+ hours, still not 'done' yet technically.
  18. I'll be waiting for the PC version as well. The recent footage convinced me I need to spend $60 it on that release though. I wish they would port the original game too.
  19. There's a lot more competition on PC. Games Pass will go up against deep discounts, bundles, DRM-free options and subscribe-to-own services. It's good to hear they're getting more serious about it. But I hate the idea of my 'library' being tethered to a recurring subscription.
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