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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. “Only $5 more” is still $60 extra a year. $300+ over the course of a generation. That’s not nothing. Stacking promos is still thing, you’re right. The current limit is 3 years per account. It’s a sweet deal if you’re willing to jump through the required hoops. If you plan to stick with the ecosystem longer than that it’ll be back to normal eventually. In the larger scheme of things, this is still work you’re doing to discount something that should cost nothing. (Online play). If having a console is all you’ve ever been used to with online gaming, maybe that’s no big thing. For me personally, it’s a strike against them. All of the big three. Free online on the Deck makes them look even more like scam artists.
  2. Without a back catalog of Xbox games you already own, its still paying $500 (+ Xbox Live fees) for the connivence of not moving your gaming PC back and forth for Games Pass on the TV. Or refusing to keep it in your living room for whatever reason. Something else that’s being overlooked here: He can’t play his PC Steam library on either console without resorting to a streaming solution. If access to his existing game library is important, perhaps the Deck is the most sensible (and flexible) option. For now, at least, it is the Switch Pro. With better and free online, and cheaper indies. I think if expanding your game options matters, you either ask yourself how badly you’d want new and old PS games both, because their PC ports come late/expensive with no subscription option, or you start saving for whatever Nintendo has in store next.
  3. Neat to see you all had the same idea! I won’t be replaying Super and Fusion. But I did get to Zero Mission for the first time. Figured I’d be a little burned out starting Samus Returns right after it, but it feels surprisingly fresh. Definitely want to wrap it up soon though, so I get a bit of a buffer before Dread.
  4. Lost in Random for PC, PS5, XBXS, Switch, XB1, PS4 Reviews OPENCRITIC.COM Lost in Random is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 22 critics, with an overall average score of 79. It's ranked in the top 24% of games and recommended by 73% of critics. Not many reviews yet, but it looks like a solid 8.
  5. This came outta nowhere. Looks competent, will need to see some reviews soon though.
  6. It stopped making sense for me to consider a gaming PC a desk device a while back. They can be. But with 4K being the visual aim for so many games, I'd rather see them on the big screen. Plus there's controller support for everything now. Maybe if I played a lot of MOBAs, RTSs and multiplayer FPSs it'd be different. But I'd still probably go cheapo for the desk PC if I needed one.
  7. I vastly prefer my PC's TV experience to consoles at this point. Video previews, custom playlists and library views. Heck, my PC can even wake my PS4 and switch TV inputs to it. Point being, the TV experience between consoles and PC isn't so large that you need a console for it to feel like a console. Valve's working on an update to Big Picture mode as well, if you don't want to look into alternatives (like the above). For games that weren't ported to PC, backwards compatibility on Xbox is a big deal. And if you want to keep all your game saves, trophies, etc, it makes some sense not to switch. Cost? Depends on what you own that isn't on Games Pass or Play Anywhere. Older multiplatform games are dirt cheap during sales. And since you're saving $5 extra a month not paying for online play... Either way, this is a tangent. The person who stuck with Xbox switching to PC isn't the context of this thread.
  8. These promos get better and better. I'm playing Samus Returns right now in prep. It's a good game, but this looks a hell of a lot more polished.
  9. I personally can't imagine paying $500 just for that convenience. Even $300 for a Series S is a stretch if that's the point. You might even consider buying a used Xbox One for xCloud instead. Or look into an in-home PC to TV streaming option. I'd rather just save the hassle and keep my gaming PC in the living room. Problem solved. Ever since everything went wireless and HDMI was popularized, this became a good option. If you're patient enough, PC will get almost everything. If you're even more patient, PC will get Sony's PS4 games for as cheap as they sell on consoles. Someday. So IMO, buying a Sony console is more of a question of value and time. If you didn't own a PS4 and want to play catch up on Sony's titles, it'd be best for now to get a PS5. If you're not that interested in that or what's slated for the future, maybe don't. With the Xbox ecosystem being (mostly) platform agnostic, there really isn't that choice. All you truly need is one or the other. PC or Xbox.
  10. Some people on this board buy duplicates of consoles just to have them in multiple rooms. If he's got expendable income like that, then sure, go nuts.
  11. This is bad advice, IMO. At the very least, it's not getting much bang for your buck. The Games Pass library is a little better on console than PC, but certainly not worth the price of a Series X for the difference. He'd also need Games Pass Ultimate to play any of those games online on console, costing an extra $5 a month. Why not just get Games Pass on PC, enjoy the same Forza and Halo games there, and save a shit ton of money? The library difference between PC and Console Games Pass is essentially negated by frequent PC game giveaways you own forever. Put the money saved towards a different console, Humble Choice when its good, Switch games, PC upgrades, a Steam Deck, etc.
  12. If you're looking at buying a Sony console and didn't own one last gen, I'd spring for a PS5. Many prior gen exclusives run at double the framerate, and you'd have access to a solid bunch of them in the PS Plus Collection (which isn't available on PS4). Basically, you can play last gen catch up for $60 / year. And also redeem whatever monthly games they offer on top of that. The current list: Batman: Arkham Knight Battlefield 1 Bloodborne Call of Duty Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Days Gone Detroit: Become Human Fallout 4 Final Fantasy XV God of War inFAMOUS: Second Son The Last Guardian The Last of Us Remastered Monster Hunter: World Mortal Kombat X Persona 5 Ratchet & Clank Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Until Dawn Alternatively, you could just snag a bunch of PS4 games for cheap. Most PS4 exclusives run about $10-20 now each time they do a big digital sale.
  13. Not paying for this again. So finishing Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy on PS4 Pro it is. I’m okay with that. It’s a heck of a great deal for the PC gamers out there though.
  14. Which is why I see it more as an issue of "downgrade work." PS5 & Series X will soon be the target spec (if they aren't already). Trying to dumb down today's games to run well on the Pro/X1X, and PS4/XBO especially, isn't automatic. It's true that games are built to be scalable. But cobbling together prior gen builds that don't look and play like absolute messes will only get more difficult. We already saw Cyperpunk illustrate just how big of a problem it could be. On low end PCs, that crudeness comes with the territory. But on consoles... it's not shipable. Or at least it shouldn't be. If we're talking strictly about extra work being done, its the last gen versions that should be costing more. Instead, they're going for less. I expect that to have some bearing on port quality going forward, for 3rd party publishers most particularly. Not to mention there's the challenge of having to support 7+ unique console specs now too.
  15. Looks like more fun than Ultimate. There's a special kind of irony in having wavedashing in a licensed kids game, and I love it.
  16. Yup. My problem with this is that I don’t like the sound of a lesser price tag reflecting on the quality of the port job. Maybe it’s not as much of a concern on PC these days. Even Japanese developers have gotten a better hang of things. The larger issue is last gen versions of games. It’s already been bad enough lately.
  17. Not too loud now, they’ll catch on… NBA 2K22 will be old-gen on PC, won't support cross-play WWW.DSOGAMING.COM Similarly to NBA 2K21, the PC version of NBA 2K22 will be based on its old-gen build.
  18. Its the $70 games thing. They want $70 to be the next gen standard for new games, as do most publishers. But they also aren’t willing to charge $70 for a first party PS4 game. Hence the $10 gap with cross gen. Microsoft doesn’t care when they’re laser focused on selling subscriptions. If/when they do go to $70, it’ll probably be because the rest of the industry has moved there. A price increase for Games Pass wouldn’t be unexpected at that point.
  19. Sony announced this with their pricing reversal of Horizon 2. Also the article got a bit lazy with their headline. It’s the next God of War that will have the $10 upgrade. Not the reboot.
  20. Metroid: Samus Returns 30fps Metroid kinda sucks just in of itself. But the game is still a good time otherwise, and the Spider Ball is a top tier Metroid power-up. Wish the enemies had a few less hit points.
  21. Save 100% on Surviving Mars on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.
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